Still looking for more dps to join us the guild is right for you!
do u need a havoc dh for df? have lots of mythic exp
A havoc DH would be nice add me and we can talk.
In a need for a tank? Hit me up! I can play any tank class.
Jake of Rivia#2889
Definitely interested in talking to you!
Any need of a tank?
Still searching for more members. Yes we are looking for more ranged dps and a tank.
More ranged dps!
The search is still on. Anyone out there?
looking for more in prep of Dragonflight
need moar! DF soooo near, got my dragon face on!
Looking for consistent members. Be prepared when you trial! Gems enchants!
still looking for aâŠ
The search continues for a tank and some more dps.
Everyone stay calm, THE DRAGONS ARE COMING!
Oh no is it smaug? Nope just some skinny dargones.
Forever lookingâŠ
Forever is a long time hope we find more people soon. Mages blink here faster.
dragons are coming!
Still recruiting more donât be shy !