<A> Volatile Fri/Sat Raid Recruiting for TWW S1 and on

Still looking for more dps to join us the guild is right for you!

do u need a havoc dh for df? have lots of mythic exp

A havoc DH would be nice add me and we can talk.

In a need for a tank? Hit me up! I can play any tank class.

Jake of Rivia#2889

Definitely interested in talking to you!

Any need of a tank?


Still searching for more members. Yes we are looking for more ranged dps and a tank.

More ranged dps!

The search is still on. Anyone out there?

looking for more in prep of Dragonflight

need moar! DF soooo near, got my dragon face on! :dragon_face:

Looking for consistent members. Be prepared when you trial! Gems enchants!

still looking for a

The search continues for a tank and some more dps.

Everyone stay calm, THE DRAGONS ARE COMING!

Oh no is it smaug? Nope just some skinny dargones.

Forever looking

Forever is a long time hope we find more people soon. Mages blink here faster.

dragons are coming!

Still recruiting more don’t be shy !