<A> Volatile Fri/Sat Raid Recruiting for TWW S1 and on

The search continues let us work on improving as a group!

its raid day…

The search continues!

Looking for more to join the team

The search continues!

Still room for dps

Still searching for mages where the Merlins be?

Bumping for the dps

Evokers er Dragonflight inc! :laughing:

Our mage slump continues :frowning:

Raid in 2 hours!

Hi There! Are you still recruiting a Tank by chance? I am a Prot Paladin with Heavy AOTC experience (Gotten aotc every tier since KJ!) My availability is friday-sunday for raids :smiley:
Bel#4805 is my discord if ya have any questions!

Looking for more where are the mages?

still searching…

please add me on cherie#5217 : ) interested in talking

Still looking for more to join the team

Looking for Merlin or Antonidas!

Still looking for ranged dps

loooooking… :mag:

Still searching for dps and a tank!