[A] <Valiant Vengeance> [Frostwolf] 6/8M, 8/8H Vault, 11/11M SoFO, (All Fated Mythic Raids Cleared) LFM

Dragon Hype!!!

Some Reclear and Prog tonight!

6/11M SoFO

We are now doing heroic alt runs on Wednesdays as well for those interested in tagging along.

1 Like

I would like to try out to join guild in one of your alt runs

Will reach out to you in game this week :slight_smile:

7/11M SoFO

Happy Reset Day

m anduin prog tonight

Cross Faction/Realm Today!

Looking at all exceptional dps

Anduin down

Still looking

Dreads down!

Some major nerfs to the raid this week

Rygelon down

Jailer prog time! Looking for some good player for possibly prog and reclears.

Big Jailer Nerfs today!

1% on Jailer, doing a reclear next week!

Jailer down