[A] [US][Dalaran] <Triggered> (5/10 M SoD) (9/10 M CN) LF DPS for SoD Progression

I ran across this guild when I was doing random keys. There were some really cool and nice people that helped me. I vividly remember the healer, Peterpal, who somehow hit 20k DPS with Ashen because why not. Yuzukisenpai was also in the key run. He had an anime smug attitude, but he did his job and it was worth it. i would 10/10 recommend this guild.

still need dps and a healer!

Looking for DPS and heals!

Need DPS and a healer!

Still LF DPS and healer!

Still need dps and a healer for mythic SOD!

LF dps and a healer for mythic!

Still LF DPS and a healer for mythic SOD!

Good bump vibes for PS