[A][US] <The Epitome of Iniquity> | 3/8 M EP | LF Heals + Ranged For Mythic Prog

:100: [A][US] <The Epitome of Iniquity> | Proudmoore :100:

:beginner: 2 Teams Total :beginner:

Team Squirrel (Recruiting)
Team Beaver

:beginner: Team Squirrel Progression :beginner:

EP: 3/8M + 8/8H
BoD: 4/9M + 9/9H

(Both teams utilize each other if not enough members are available as much as possible for progression content).

:beginner: Raid Days/Times :beginner:

:calendar: Days
Tuesday / Wednesday

:alarm_clock: Times
06:00 PM - 09:00 PM PST (Server Time)
08:00 PM - 11:00 PM CST
09:00 PM - 12:00 PM EST

:beginner: Recruitment Needs (:exclamation: = HIGH Priority) :beginner:

:raised_hands: Healers
Discipline Priest
MW/WW Monk

:bow_and_arrow: Ranged
Warlock :exclamation:
Mage :exclamation:
Elemental/Resto Shaman :exclamation:
Boomkin/Resto Druid :exclamation:

:dagger: Melee
Demon Hunter

:point_right: We will consider all exceptional players. :point_left:

:beginner: Expectations :beginner:

:necktie: Neck Level: 55+
:crossed_swords: Gear ilvl: 420+ (430+ Pref.)
Boss knowledge BEFORE raid! :face_with_monocle:
Your classes consumables before raid, you know, the norm raid etiquette.

:beginner: If interested, leave a reply below and/or reach out to any of the following and mention that you’re responding to the forum post: :beginner:

:studio_microphone: Discord - Saltypwncake#5267
:cyclone: BTag - Saltypwncake#5267

:studio_microphone: Discord - Astriea#2774
:cyclone: BTag - Astriea#2774

Still looking for ranged DPS

Recruitment going great! I think 1-2 more DPS (Pref Ranged) and we’re set for Mythic!

Afternoon bump

Bump! Still need some Ranged!!! :slight_smile:

Here is a dad joke for some motivation to hit us up:
Why do melons have weddings?

Because they cantaloupe! :rofl: