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If you got Mondays/Wednesday evenings free and want to do some raiding on Pagle, this is the guild for you.

who likes tacos?

If you like tacos this might be the guild for you.

I hereby promise to not do anything when she lands. If i still die…:sweat:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
I took the one less traveled by
And that has made all the difference

Choose the road less traveled. Join Unyielding!

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Raid needs updated, LF a couple locks and DPS warriors! have a good day all

Still looking for locks and DPS warriors. Come join the fun!

Come join up!

Wheres all the warriors? I know there’s a billion on Pagel

I like to DPS.

Raid needs updated, casuals/pvp’rs always welcome, still LFM! Have a good day all.

Still looking for a warrior and warlock. Join today!

:ok_hand: HI