[A] <Unity> | US-Whitemane | Tues/Thurs 7:30-10:30 PST

Look at all these great people supporting our cause! Outstanding community!

Join Unity and you will never have to compromise between success and an enjoyable guild atmosphere. Enjoy spending your time with your guildies like you used to. Find yourself a home and not just another guild.

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We still need: Holy/Disc Priests, DPS/OT Warriors, Hunters, and Warlocks

Feel free to hop on our discord and talk with one of us! We’d be happy to address any questions or concerns you might have!

Our website has all relevant information that you might considered before joining.

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Open to those considering transferring in as well. Just swing by our discord and we can chat through specifics. Still in search of a few dedicated priests and another warlock. Hope to chat with you soon!

Clearing BWL faster and faster each week. Looking forward to smashing future raids as well. Come join the family!

Hoping to get BWL/MC to a single night shortly! Currently at 2hr BWL, 75min MC.

Looking for 1 Mage, 1 Fury Warrior, and 3 Holy/Disc Priest (Updated 02/27)


We’re still looking for more people to join our core. Even if your class isn’t listed, please reach out to us, we’d love to have you join our team!

Always looking for friendly faces!

Service guarantees citizenship. Would you like to know more?

Looking for some new recruits. Come join the ranks in our friendly family!

Clearing BWL and MC both in One Night now! Amazing! Ya gotta come see all the big things happening!

Come hang out with our community and play with us during these quarantines.

Looking for more healers to help keep things rolling in BWL!

Are you a priest with friends? all are welcome

Lookin for a guild of mature casual players that can clear content with ease? Check out that Unity discord and join.

Currently clearing BWL and MC in 1 evening. The guild has a good blend of relaxed players and hard-core types. We keep things casual and fun while preparing for future phase content. Come check us out as we are always accepting new members.

Come join the fun! Great balanced approach to raiding.

Very active discord to keep you connected while not in game. We love a good meme!

In lockdown due to Corona? Great time to escape the chaos in Classic and come meet some friendly new people!

WoW > Corona, stay inside and game on!