[A] <Two Shot>-Whisperwind 8/9M 8-11PM EST Tuesday/Wednesday

Late Afternoon BUMP.

A morning bump is more effective than coffee!

I can’t do any more work today BUMP cause no one wants to graduate apparently but it’s fine. I’m fine. It’s gonna be fine.

Keds is far from fine bump

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pre-raid BUMP


Post raid bump

Pre-work BUMPING

Morning bump

Is it the weekend yet bump

bumping the post!

post raid bump. dont’ make me DPS…

Cry cry cry Saevo’s gonna cry

Back to back bumpsky

Tired af morning bump

Might be time for a fresh post at this point.

Might be, but in the meantime BUMP

BUMPING until we get a fresh post BUMP

Thursty thursday bump

BUMP cuz Keds said so