[A] <Two Shot>-Whisperwind 12/12M, 8/8M, 9/9M 8-11PM EST Tuesday/Wednesday

Pre-patch eve bump

Tuesday bump

Wednesday bump

Additional Wednesday Bump

Additional Additional Wednesday bump

post raid bump

Thursday bump

Thursday bump

Additional Thursday bumps

Friday bump

I don’t get a lot of chances to have good tasting food, and I’ve been working really hard with crazy hours. This morning my friend (who’s parents i care fore) came and was like, “I’m going to McDonalds to get this and this for so and so” and i was like, oh man, here it comes. They’re going to ask me what I want and I get a tasty meal! Then after listing everything they’re getting and the back story that prompted the McDonalds run, she said “Ok, Bye” and left. FML

i meant Friday bump

Later friday bump

Here you go saevo bump

Working the weekend bump

When will I feel better bump

Pray for Emee bump

Sunday bump

Monday bump

What deus said.