[A] Two Players LF Guild / MoP Remix, TWW, and DF

Hello everyone,

My friend and I are looking for an active guild to jump into PvE content with. We are both familiar with the game, but I have been around the longest between the two of us. I’ve played WoW since the original classic release on and off throughout each expansion. There isn’t a single expansion that I haven’t played and gotten to cap. I have several AOTC achievements dating back to the first one from SoO in MoP. My friend started playing seriously in BFA and has held that momentum.

As of right now I am a Prot Paladin and my friend is an Arms Warrior. I am flexible with what I am willing to play, my friend will want to stay his spec and class. I have tanked for many years, with the primary exception being when I played Frost Mage in MoP. I have tanked (then-current) raids on every class that is capable of tanking. He has primarily stuck with Warrior since he began playing the game in BFA, with a little alt time as a Hunter. We both have solid experience in PvP content as well.

As of right now I am on the Alterac Mountains server and my friend is on Bleeding Hollow. Seeing as how we’ll have to transfer to join a guild together regardless of who might recruit us we’re both willing to move if the group is right. We are both grown and work throughout the week, with our primary play time being a few hours on weekday evenings and more over the weekend. We are CST and are looking for a guild that raids during the evening/night, or weekends.

We are interested in any and all content, whether that be PvP, PvE, events (official and guild), transmog, mounts, general collection, etc. We’ve both just rejoined the game after a break so our main priority is getting geared and catching up to end-game. I am sitting at 496 ilvl and my friend is currently at 492. As of right now we’re farming mythic 0-4 dungeons. This is actually what prompted us to look for a guild, as we’d like to be in a community of active players that routinely do this sort of content.

Sorry for the novel! If there are any questions you might have for us please don’t hesitate to ask. Thanks for taking the time to read and consider!

We aren’t looking for a hardcore mythic raiding guild or anything like that. Just a fun and chill group of adults that likes to engage in the content that we enjoy!

Sorry, we’re learning as we go here lol. You can reach me on Discord at any time, my username is cdad.

Hi Baldbarian!

Hi everyone! I’m Kiuayoukai, a cheeky Pandaren Resto Shaman, and proud assistant GM of the guild/community Found a Green Quest on Zul’jin.

Our guild has been around since 2018 founded by my husband Jarsha and myself with our visions of being a social/casual and active community regardless of what members are interested in. Our guild’s atmosphere is laid back, and friendly with a little silliness. Guildies are always having a good time with all the content WoW has to offer! We are recruiting new players, returning players, and alts are welcome! Guild is cross faction (Horde and Alliance welcome) and cross server are welcome to join us for Season 4 Dragonflight, MoP Remix: MoP & TWW pre-patch!

We are a laid back social and casual guild for adults who play when they can. We believe that real life comes first, and the game second. We enjoy playing all aspects of the game and are here to help others on their journey in and out of Azeroth. We group up for leveling/timewalking/heroic/mythic dungeons or old content farming for achievements/transmogs/mounts/pets. We offer weekly guild gold raffles, monthly transmog contests, monthly prizes and guild auctions (mounts, pets, transmog, toys, etc). While others enjoy solo play while just chatting. We are looking to rebuild our raid team for Normal/Heroic/timewalking raids with goals of AOTC and Glory of Achievements every tier.

Raid days/times:
Heroic: Thursdays/Fridays 7:30pm - 10pm EST
Normal fun/alt night: Saturdays 6pm - 9:30pm EST with an optional transmog run of old raid content!

As long as you’re active, you’re helpful and you’re not rude or offensive to others you would fit in great regardless of what you enjoy doing in the game. Come join us!

If you have any questions, please let me know!

We’re listed in the guild finder in game or you can reach me here or on discord: kiuayoukai

Thank you for taking the time to check out our recruitment. We wish you the best of luck this tier & future tiers to come!

Hello Balbarian,
This is just a copy paste of my recruitment post for ease.

"My Player Name is Attaraxia-Garona. I am currently recruiting additional players for Core Raid spots for Season 4 & for the new Expansion TWW that drops in August.
Here is some more detailed information about the guild

  1. Raid - Wed/Thur Central Time from 8-11pm.
  2. We run Mythics nightly
  3. Have roughly 10+ people online from about 4pm - 2am running content
  4. We have discord for Raid, but also just to hang out and BS as we play
  5. Mature guild where most players are 30+ years old
  6. We have gotten AOTC every season
  7. Currently in need of Aug Evoker, DPS Warrior, Mage, Rogue, & Shaman to fill out missing roles.
  8. We are mainly laid back, but we do require a certain threshold to maintain during raids.
  9. Combat logs are taking each raid night."

Now to reply to your comment personally, I would say that I currently have 2 main tanks and 2 others asking to tank so we do not have that spot currently open in Raid, however we always have mythic + runs going that need tanks. What other classes might you be interested in?
I have played since just before BC (Buying my bullets), took a break during Dreanor, and came back at the end of Battle for Azeroth… took a few months off again as I had trouble finding a good guild, then really started back up again in Shadowlands when I landed here in Trinity.
Most folks would consider us Mid-Core… We aim for AOTC every expac, we would like to kill some Mythic Bosses as we all gear up, but no one gets screamed at in raid “Many Whelps! Handle it!”. We do take logs and a few of us do have the ability to review them in detail and offer suggestions to people to increase throughput.
Mainly we are a great community and you and your friend are welcome to hop in, hang out and check us out at any time.

Our guild, Enshadowed is currently looking for players for Season 4 and beyond. I attached our current forum post to give you better details of what we are about and our contact info. I sent you a discord request as well!

Happy Hunting!

Hello There Baldbarian!

Are you looking to give mythic a try? If so we might be the guild for you!

We are Gamer Down, a new guild formed during S3 of Dragonflight.

Our current progression is 2/8M, 3/9M, and 4/9M in the awakened raids. We are looking to add more players to our mythic roster for s4 and The War Within to push for CE. We also have a ton of m+'ers who love to push keys!

Our raid times are Tuesday/Thursday 10pm - 1am EST

Message our Raid Leader to Apply:
Discord: aartlay
Bnet: <Aartlay#1235>

Reach out with any questions
Discord: baconic
Bnet: <Baconator#11729>

You can view our full post here:

Hello there! I belong to a wonderful guild called Synchronicity on Wyrmrest Accord.

We’re adults with real-life commitments. Our age range seems to be mid-30s and up, with many in our 40s or 50s. We’re mature, friendly, we enjoy helping each other, and we always have a lot of fun.

We are cross-faction. Wyrmrest Accord is a role-playing server, but we don’t RP within the guild. We have members across several time zones, but our events are typically evenings eastern / central time.

We run M+ at every opportunity, and have a Mythics Thursday so that everyone gets a chance to run dungeons with guildies.

Our raid night is Saturday from 8:00 - 10:00 pm CST. We run mainly Normal, and Heroic if there’s enough interest.

Our approach to M+ and raids is chill and fun-first, while still striving to beat the timers and clear the raids.

We are seeking like-minded, active players for M+ and to stick with us while we build a steady roster of raiders. Tanks and healers are especially needed, but dps are always welcome as well.

I’m Jazy /wave Thanks for reading.

If you’d like more information, feel free to add me on Discord: Sybilmeows