A thread of hot takes

you misspelled rogue

2s is atrocious.

never played mop 2s ? That thing was viable, nowadays 2s is just who plays the better class.

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wg me in any bracket or duels, ill slap you around for a lil while chimp

both tee bee aych

im pretty sick of queing into hunter or necro DH 90% of the time


what char reqs do to a mf


my hot take…

5’s were fun as heck but no one queued them and thats why they were removed.

If they were ever brought back they would be queued like crazy for a week, maybe two, then participation would drop again and quickly no one, even the most die hard people posting thread after thread of how they miss 5’s, would queue them.


Excluding all the DH’s in 2’s while I play Hpriest, I’m enjoying it.

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r1 from 5s kept the bracket going tho. At least end of the season

Gearing an alt to be competitive isn’t that bad now

I remember being partied with somebody and going “wow, awesome dragon” and the guy goes “ahhh stop stop bullying me it’s from fives”, then another I went"wow sick r1" and he’s like “wintraded it lmaooo”.

Wonder if it’d actually be alive if they were to hypothetically bring it back now.

It can be hassle enough getting three people together.

dk frost and unholy are beyond busted and run the ladder rn

and transferring to backwoods battlegroups to get it too. i remember all that too.

Please stop


Never a good thing

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What? Almost every spec is decent or good aside from maybe a few tanks.

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How dare I have fun

level 10 posting coward.



male goblin gonna come out and after you



Here’s my hot take

The meta is fun when warlock aren’t meta.