[A] <The Storm> Dalaran New Reroll for 10.0 pre-patch!

I’m interested.
battlenet: Scramblini#1613
Discord: Scramblini#4329

Thank you :slight_smile:

ok I will add ya :slight_smile:

Counting down the minutes!

Yep cannot wait for the pre-patch!

I am interested in rerolling with your team. I would like to play a warrior, DK or enhance shaman based on what you have already. My BT is Blood#1210

SOON tm haha

I hope they release the date soon!!

Still recruiting!

This is exactly what I’ve been looking for. I’m in!


I will add ya!

Check it out!

Really fun way to level and meet people and get ready for the new expansion.

1 Like

Yes! I can’t wait!

Getting closer!

and closer

Is this happening still? Have not heard from you

Yes, you need to join the discord. The link is in the first post. Once there, pick your class & spec you plan to raid on. Then we can get you an invite into the guild in the game. I will attach the discord link here too.


Hope to get the pre-patch date announced soon!

For anyone who’s rerolling, catch me at Sinqnew#11569

we got a release date!