A Thanks, and a Proposal

I wasn’t aware of this, but I also would like to thank him then! Your work is more appreciated than you can even know!


Yeah, XRP had it first iirc, then TRP shortly after, MRP too. I think all 3 major addons have it now with the streamlining of RP stuff?

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If it’s true, then thank you indeed!

You had me at birds.

XRP had it in late MoP or early WoD.
MRP and TRP didn’t have it until the BFA prepatch. It wasn’t for lack of trying, it was just difficult.


It was a good day, Wyrmrest.


The Scarlet Crusade approves this message. I gotta say though, I’ve got these weirdly mixed feelings on the issue. On one hand, I’ve got a gut reaction along the lines of “I shouldn’t need to thank you for fixing your own mess”, and on the other hand I think removing the need for a mod that worked around Blizz’s limitations by straight up building an alternative into the game is a huge and very welcome step forward, more than I ever would have expected from a company even if I thought they cared all along.


Whether or not it’s something they -should- be thanked for, try to remember that this is a step forward, as you said. And like I said in another thread - this item has the potential to be a better solution to the problem than CrossRP was. It just needs some work still.

That’s not a insult to CrossRP or its author - but having this ingame, where all you need to do is drink a potion and done? No need to download anything extra, try to figure it out, worry about it getting broken in a new patch because someone was trying to fix a security issue and didn’t take into account what mods it might break?

It has potential, imo, and I’m happy that the potential is there. It’s more than I have been able to say about WoW in general for a little bit now. This gave me some hope.

Edit --> Also, when dealing with people who you’re trying to get to put in features in a game for you, usually it’s good to be nice every now and then instead of rude and demanding. Yes it shouldn’t have been broken to begin with, but a solution is present and there’s no guarantee it wont improve further in the future.

The carrot is a better motivator to the people who read these threads than the stick is, so to speak.


Kinda weird.

Blizzard seems to have a tendency just make fixes with potions when it comes to roleplayers.

Giant Growth? Replaces a size slider for a character.

Now Blizz, about updating your customization options…

alchemy is just wacky and fun

that being said, i wanna try these potions now! i’m glad they added them, since i’ve been hearing they might take away belf/velf understanding one another ._.

The thing most people don’t realize is that this isn’t an update so much as a complete replacement of the entire system by which characters are built, rigged, and animated. WoW lacks the customization options of more modern MMOs because WoW’s engine was constructed fifteen years ago when these options were undreamed of.

That’s also the reason we can’t dye our clothes. That would involve removing every single clothing item from the massive database and replacing them with duplicate items that have variable textures.

These things could be done, but this is not a “content patch” level of work; it’s more like building an entire new game and pasting in most of WoW’s content, except the vast reams of it that would have to be rebuilt piece by piece. It would make the Cataclysm revamp of the old world look like almost nothing in comparison.

Don’t expect that anytime soon. From a financial standpoint, it’s just not worth dedicating the resources to.


Yes. Odds are, the only way we’d ever get that sort of thing is if they -did- rebuild the entire game from the ground up as some people expect - something they’d have no guarantee to succeed with. They -might-, but MMO’s are hideously expensive to make and can tank companies if not done well. I don’t think a failed mmo launch would tank Blizzard of all, but I doubt it’s a financial risk they’re able to justify making to their investors, as much as I’m sure some of them would love it. Being able to work with up-to-date code would probably be a blessing for some of the developers.

Wait what? Why? What for? Theyr’e still technicall yteh same people, that doesn’t even make sense. Especially when Pandas and DHs can understand each other? O.o

The restrictions need to be removed, dang it, not made worse.

Besides, there’s a means to add a system that’s perfectly opt-in, and the Cross RP addon’s author showed that perfectly.

It allows you to understand the common language of the other faction - so either Common or Orcish. At this time, you can also change your language setting and speak in that language when it’s activated.

Also, what’s the source of your rumor about Ren’dorei/Sin’dorei/Demon Hunter language changes? If it’s just speculation, you may want to consider that you’d be spreading misinformation.

i heard its being used to grief and :frowning:
i want it to stay for us RPers, not removed b/c a percentage of douchecanoes have to keep their pottymouth running

Hopefully that’s not true! And this is exactly why I want some kind of system in place so we can enjoy this sort of thing but it’s entirely opt in; that way there’s a means of disengaging if some fool does try to grief with it. They remove the ability to communicate between factions with these races and it’ll just damage immersion even more x.x

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Anything will be used to grief. The potion hasn’t increased douchebaggery any; it won’t be long before the low-effort idiots whose idea of fun is annoying other people get over the novelty and go back to the much easier game of harassing their own faction.


I’ve long held that the majority of awful people out there do not care what their victim pool is. And so they’ll go for the easiest and most vulnerable to them, which is their own faction. It’s sort of silly for anyone to claim cross faction chat will cause trolling, when I’ve had death threats and harassment for years without it.


To be fair, technology to remap the colors of things in a game has been around for at least 20 years.

If they wanted to, I think they’d figure it out.

That said, things like emote missing is probably an oversight.

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Honestly yeah. As you suggested, Zan, I would say people should submit that as a bug report.

It would be great to see a whole set of community-wide Pandaren holidays evolve. This is a worthy start.

It won’t always fall exactly on the 14th, but as long as the Quilen & Cloud Teahouse exists whatever night is closest will honor Chi-Ji. Starting tomorrow night.