A Thank You to The Devs

Just wanted to say thanks, we greatly appreciate you listening to the feedback of your player base and customers. We have a bit to go, but your crew has been the most receptive to our suggestions.

It’s been years since we’ve received so much back and forth and I’m here to say we appreciate it.

I know what it is to be severely overworked and underpaid. Keep kicking butt and pushing the game in the direction the player base wants.


I can’t remember a time when Blizzard devs were this accessible. I remember quitting WoW some years back and playing Runescape. It was crazy that the players could just tell the devs what they thought about updates and changes and the devs could then adjust things in real time. It made bad updates more digestible and good updates more common. The WoW classic team is killlin’ it and I hope Blizzard learns from them and gives them the resources they need.


100%, Communication is key, despite all the whining it’s refreshing to feel heard and to see devs poping in on class discords, react to feedback on forums, changing things on the go, communicating their design insights so we can see where they are coming from.

If anything I want SoD to succeed just because I really like this Blizzard we interact with. They are taking chances and all this communication is opening them up for far more critique ranging from valid to completely deranged. I’m sure it’s harder on them but it feels so much better when it is an open dialogue with people who care about the game instead of faceless corporate bullsh!t.


I agree. The changes based on feedback has been great - unless you’re a Warlock or Mage. :cry:


You just need to Immolate harder!


SoD kicks ash, and is by far my favorite iteration of the game! Thanks devs! Grom Hellscream dungeon looks badass!

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Thank you SOD team!


Yeah, maybe amidst the thanks they could listen to Priests.

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Or hunter …

Yeah, Varnoc has done some great work with their hunter and priest suggestions and the devs have almost certainly seen those posts. This is a thank you post though for all the things they’ve done right so please take your complaints to the appropriate threads.

Yes Blizzard

Shamans players are truly truly thankful

Can’t have a moment of positivity can you?

If they hadn’t dropped the ball with SoD time and time again then maybe I would still have faith in SoD

But they have made it clear that they do not care about the state of pvp

Don’t worry my sub ends in a couple days and you probably won’t hear from me or see me again.

I already decided to say no to p4.

Just not worth it to be disappointed in the end again.

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