Bumping for BWL recruitment needs!
Bumping for opening for all dps classes and 2 healer needs!
Bumping for full BWL clear and opening for healers!
Hi! I am thinking of doing a server transfer from low pop Azuresong. Recently level 60 Holy Priest needing to gear up. Are you still raiding MC and are you needing healers?
Hi! I am thinking of doing a server transfer from low pop Azuresong. Recently level 60 Holy Priest needing to gear up. Are you still raiding MC and are you needing healers?
We’re currently doing MC on offnights and pugging what we’re missing. But we’re hoping to get our BWL down to one night this week or next, and should go back to doing MCs on Saturdays.
I believe we are looking for another healer or two to make BWL a bit smoother.
Bump for Resto druid recruitment!
Bumping for recruitment update.
Still looking for one more resto druid and a dwarf Healy priest!
Hi Kaerei, I know you are looking for a Dwarf Priest, buuuut I f inally did the server transfer to Atiesh, and am currently looking for a guild./raiding spot. I am Tier 2 3/8 or Tier 1 5/8 … I have about 700 healing. Let me know if still interested. (Replying on my Character… pre transfer… I had to do a name change, my new name is Sangrael.
We really do need a dwarf priest, as we don’t reaalllyyy need more healers. Need the race more than the role.
Bumping for Mage recruitment!
I’m gonna go ahead and suggest you apply, if you’re still interested. I’ll let my Healer lead look at it. Or you can contact her in fame (Spicy)
Thanks, I will check it out.
Bumping for Dwarf Priesr!
Bumping for DPS and Healer recruitment!
Bumping for AQ recruitment needs!
Druid Tank
Shadow and Healing Priests
Holy Paladin
Bumping for AQ recruitment additions:
Dps Warriors!