[A] Tank/dps looking for aotc guild

Hello all. Im looking to transfer to this server. I will be bringing a 422 Guardian/Feral Druid and/or a 409 Brewmaster Monk. Im looking for an active aotc guild that does m+'s. Preferably a guild that raid ends before 12 edt. The only days I am not able to make raids would be 2 Thursdays a month due to work, and one day a weekend due to kids.

Please feel free to contact me about any openings.

Wouldn’t mind a feral druid or WW monk, or a tank for Keys ^^. Hit me up. leave my guild spam below see if it fits you.

About Us
Decisive is an Alliance guild on US-Stormrage
We are a small, like minded group of AOTC raiders committed to pushing further into Mythic raiding. Our guild is not for the easily offended. Hop on discord and you will know in 5 mins if it’s the guild for you. We clown around when it’s appropriate, and focus when it’s needed. Very active discord and we run keys daily. What’s the point of raiding if you’re not having fun?

Being on time and prepared.
Having discord/mic and be willing to use it.
55 neck
Be receptive to constructive criticism, and voice opinions in a respectful way.

Raid Times:
9 - 12 Eastern Tuesday, Wednesday, and ( Optional ) Thursday.

Recruitment Needs:

We recruit the player not the class. No elitists here, but you will be judged on performance and attendance. All spots are competitive, even if our need is very low we will always trial any exceptional applicant. The following is a priority list by need:
Melee DPS: Low
Ranged DPS: Low
Healer: Very low
Tank: Very low

If we’ve piqued your interest at all, please give any of us officers a shout!
We do discord interviews no application required.
Gwennova Gwennett#1966 (Co-GM)
Ghostdonkey travjumba#1239 (Co-GM)
Swiz Madflavor#1783 (officer) Discord Swiz#6087
Caitiecatxo Toomanynames#11324 (officer)

Hi Mudbugs, There are times when 1 or both of our tanks can’t make a raid, and we can really use a fill in. “Unbroken Alliance” is a large casual progressive, that has many members in their 50s, 60s, and 70s, besides younger adults. Right now we are EP N 7/8 and have been working on the Queen. Our raid days are: (prog.) T/W 8-10 pm est. and Sat/Sun 8-10 pm (GM’s choice- can be alt, achieve, or prog. continuation run). We use Vent 3.08 (some guildies were have problems w/ their systems when we used Discord or in-game chat, so we went back to Vent), food, flasks (if we get the mats), repairs provided. Our GM loves doing Keys. She will schedule them whenever she logs online, depending on who got what key for the week. We also have our pet, mount, and transmog hounds. If we sound like the perfect new home for you, just IM me (guild recruiter) (alts-Aznaa, Janellewitch, Robinsmeow, Bixbite) for either more info/invite. Hope to have you w/ us.

Hi there! We are currently recruiting a tank for heroic raiding! Here is our recruitment post: Misdirect - 9/11H- LFM for 2 Day AotC Raiding and More! - #14 by Ellevated-stormrage

I can be reached via btag: ElllohElll#1798