A suspicious 4ch leak from 3 days ago... *SPECULATION/9.2.5 spoilers*

It seems they are happening according to an interview with Jeremy Feasel -

They didn’t mention the black dragonflight place either, just probably edited to show what they can show.

So something other than the dragon people are coming? :eyes:

They did. They said it right after Red Dragon. Same zone.

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Oh please let this be true.

calia raising undead absolutely does not make sense.

she cares for the forsaken citizens of lordaeron, but I see absolutely no reason she’d raise more of them into the suffering that is undeath.


It’s deliciously ironic how the Night Elves are basically slumming for an Arcan’dor of their own in a super round about way, because Tyrande is such a hostile twit that she slammed the door of good relations in the Nightborne’s face, by demanding “WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY CITY!!?” like she was Azshara 2.0 or something, back in Legion.

If she raises them with holy magic like she was resurrected, it wouldn’t be in suffering though? Lol.


lets pretend that’s true.

why would she raise more at all?

now converting them from forsaken into lightbound to ease their suffering, I could see that.


i was talking about it 2 days ago , lighbound forsaken omggsdfdhdfhhxdhfxw let me preorder

lets go

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This game does not need another playable Elf race and nobody is asking for Lightforged Undead. Forsaken players hate Calia.

I’m all for new races, but let them actually be new models and not old ones with bells and whistles on them. I.e. give us Tuskarr, Moknathal, Broken, etc.


…no she didn’t?

She literally just asked Thalyssra how she can be assured she won’t fall to the lust for power like Elisande and Azshara when she has the Nightwell.

To which Thalyssra said she’s going to turn off the Nightwell.

It was a very casual conversation that Blizzard overblew in the Nightborn recruitment quest for zero reason, especially when Liadrin asked the same thing in a roundabout way later on.


How did I miss this? It wasn’t posted on /pol/?

No idea lol. The link to the thread is in the RedShirtGuy twitter post I linked.

Yeah she did. She basically acted like she was the owner of the city. Sorry, but random person coming into your town and making demands like they are the leader or somehow the authority, is not going to be respected by anyone.

It’s sort of like how the Pope and the Patriarch function in Eastern Orthodox. Frankly I’m a bit saddened the Nightborne don’t have their own version of High Priest. It could made for all sorts of interesting theocratic differentiations, if Elune was heeding someone else besides Tyrande and she suddenly had to figure out ‘why’.

In any event, you might call it a casual conversation. However Blizzard clearly did not feel the same way about the sentiments being conveyed, ergo the Nightborne basically told her and her allies very politely to shove it and joined the Horde.

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We actually had a good leak :open_mouth:
Eery how close they were. I wouldn’t be surprised if Murozond is the villain. They are still kinda early so info on systems etc in that regard will come in the following months.

I’m interested to see what they have planned for the open world, and just what else they have planned.

Gnolls for Horde
Tuskar for Alliance

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Sethrak for allys, water goblins fr horde


Many truths to be found on 4ch if you can sort through the mountains of absolute nonsense. Though I’d advise most to stay away. It can be a black hole for many.

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Hope the allied race thing is true… and worth the pre-order.