A Suggestion for Void Elf Hair Colors

First, thank you for giving natural shades to void elves! I am very excited. I was in a Discord voice call and literally screamed when we got the news! So, yeah, thanks a ton :smiley:

I’ve seen this picture on Wowhead:

If suggestions are being taken… It seems like two shades of red and three shades of blonde. Seeing as the original request was “five natural hair colors”, could we get some more diversity, please? Maybe turn one of the shades of blonde and a shade of red into a brown or a black? Or maybe just expand the five options into a few more! That’d give a good selection of brown, black, blonde, red, and platinum-blonde/near-white.

Again, thank you so much for giving us natural hair colors! My friend has been wanting to play a blonde, Alliance Thalassian for years, and I’m very happy she’s going to be able to! :smiley:


I support the motion, I was anxious to have my elf with black hair, but it looks like we will have to wait.

I also wanted to leave this comment since we are talking about hair, for those who want to see the colors in the game and see how their character can be seen in the future. I thought they were new colors but if you look at it, blood elves already have them. On the character creation screen put a blood elf (woman) with hair number 2, and check the colors and you will see that they are the same:

Color number 8 - Color number 7 - Color number 9
Color number 1 - Color number 3

There you can dream what your elf will look like in 9.1.5 with these new colors.


Black and brown are both natural hair colors that high elves wear. So no matter void or blood, if they were getting the natural hair colors those other colors should have been included. So it’s a little strange. But that’s how it’s been with the void elves. It’s like they decided to give them the natural skin tones but not the hair colors. Now they give the hair colors but not all the hair colors.

But really at this point if they did give it to us people would be screaming for high elf tattoos and Paladin classes for the void elves anyways. :laughing: it won’t be enough until it’s a whole separate race.


The forum in a nutshell.


I think that’s a bit of a “slippery slope” thing. Like, I hear the “give a mouse a cookie” argument a lot. I’ve heard claims “If you give them hair colors, they’ll ask for Paladins! They’ll ask for all of Silvermoon! When does it stop?” Which is just… I’ve told myself that if they give us hair colors, I won’t complain. So, that’s why this isn’t a complaint! It’s a thanks and a suggestion.

However, it does feel weird that the “high elf” options are always weirdly limited? Like, first it’s Alliance Thalassians, but void-flavored. Then it’s natural skin tones, but not hair colors. Now it’s natural hair colors, but not all of them? Like, just do it and be done :joy:


Not really more, just different!


You have my FULL support OP. I suggest that nothing is removed as I bet many players love all of these hair colours. Instead, please add a Black, Brown, and White and we’re all set. Then the entire Void elf and High elf fanbase will be completely satisfied regarding hair colour.


I think we have close to white? It’s not pure white, but we got a gray, so I’m content with there not being an additional white. Especially if we keep the platinum blonde on the top left. However, more is good!

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I wish they give alliance the high elves and the horde ogres someday. :two_hearts:

Your suggestion is sound and it just should have been added for the void elves if they are giving natural colors. Black and brown are normal colors!

Thinking about it tho blood elves had even had to wait so long for actual black hair too. What is up with little things like this.


Not me. Sick and tired of high elfers shoehorning the void elf race.


The problem is just that not everyone is as reasonable as you. The stuff you’ve listed here is actually going on (although the Silvermoon bit is really fringe). So yeah, stuff gets lumped together.

I wasn’t for the natural colors as for one I think the void theme is really cool and I’d like to see more of it show up. But I agree with you that it was really odd that they didn’t make better use of the 5 colors they announced, if you’re gonna do something like that spread the love around more.


More void options would also be awesome! I love the Void Elf concept and would love to see it expanded. To me, this gives “High Elf” options for those who want them without really infringing on the “Void Elf” fantasy, without the overhead of an entirely different race. If we could further expand on the “Void Elf” fantasy in the future, then that’d be awesome!


Agree completely. I have a list of Void elf customization that I have suggested on the Void elf thread, that I will suggest again when it will make sense to do so xx


Should of had only white, gray, black and that blue/black color. That’s all you spoiled High Elfs should get.

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If/when the revisit hair colors for Void Elves, sure throw a brown option in. I also know everyone really wanted black and white to so I hope those also make it in.

My biggest concern with Void Elves moving forward however is ensuring actual Void options make it in. Personally I would like lighter violet and blue than I already have. Pink is another fantasy tone.

So if I had to choose 6 I’d go Brown, Black, White, Pink, Lavender, and a Frosty blue color.


We already have grey and blue black though. Our current hair colours look like twins with each other https://imgur.com/a/V1cIXV6


No you don’t. You got Void colors of those and no true black. Blood Elfs got true black.

Black, White and Brown should’ve been there from the get-go yup. And Void elves have so much potential tbh, maybe later on in 10.0 or so they will get their proper pass and voidy customization added to them as well.


I know yea we don’t have a true black, and no pure white either. I’d like a Draenei White and a Kul’Tiran Black as they’re very much black and white without blue undertones.


I’m so sick and tired of hearing about void elves. More selfish than blood.

Give them everything.