A suggestion for Blizzard

Absolutely, I would gladly pay an extra 10-20$ per month for WoW if their employees were treated right and paid fairly, that’s literally the cost of 2 drinks at a bar I’m not going to anyway on a Friday night because I’m raiding.

That is good for you, but the majority of WoW player wouldn’t, thus getting WoW to shut down.

Then they are running an unsustainable business and need to shut down.

Some people like yourself just enjoy watching the world burn. Sorry for someone who plays WoW and enjoys it, the last thing I would want to do is hope for the company to be forced to close due to idiot ideas that would prove to create more issues than solving.

I’m sorry that you think running a business this poorly just for your own entertainment negates the human rights and needs of the employees who work there, I really do. That must be a really sad existence for you. You know who doesn’t need a union? Businesses that are run properly and don’t let this stuff happen.

You’re being completely ridiculous now.

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How? This isn’t a necessity, it’s a luxury, luxury businesses exist to provide luxuries to people who can afford them. If you can’t both operate at a functional level AND treat your employees humanely, you don’t deserve to exist as a business.

here is an idea for blizzard as there intelligence is … well … 0

Do Work… AT WORK - woah did I just mindblown the failed company?

Union leaders can be every bit as corrupt and many times are. There is even sexual harassment in companies that have unions. Unions are led by the rich. And often don’t care if their members lose their jobs over Union choices because they get to keep the dues paid into them if you’re working or not. A union would have not stopped the issues at Acti/Blizzard. It would have still happened and the government still would have sued.

Also unions have no say in who is CEO, that is done by those who own the most stock and are on the board of directors.

You’re suggesting that it would be fine if Blzzard increased their sub cost to $25 to $35 a month. You’re out of your mind if you think that is reasonable.

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Better yet just shut the whole damn thing down.

They’re just going to keep tripping over themselves at this point.

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All these words like ‘Can be’ don’t mean much against what currently is.

So, you’re trolling. You do know it’s not Sunday right?

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I didn’t say that, I said I would personally accept paying that additional amount of money per month to support the workers there, I didn’t say it was reasonable or sustainable for the company. Some people pay $300 per round of golf and it only lasts a few hours. Don’t even get me started on the cost of a luxury

Ok. So, paying $25 to $35 for a sub to the game each month would be unreasonable.

It would be unsustainable for the employees too. There would be mass layoffs in the company because of the drastic increase to the sub cost.

Trolls generally don’t tell the truth, do they? Oh, I forgot D) striking.

You have full on drank the corporate Kool Aid. How do their boots taste? You’re so enthusiastic, I assume they taste delicious.

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I’m guessing all boots probably taste the same whether it be a corporate or union boot.

Don’t forget to unionize!

So how bout those nightelves? Any shot at becoming more like the Bosmer of The Elder Scrolls?
