Stormwind Bar Brawlers (SWBRB)
Realm: Grobbulus RP-PVP
Faction: Alliance
Contact info:
-Meow Discord-Meow#0209 -BNet-Meowcenaries#11217
-Flashock-Discord-flashock#4735 -BNet-Flashock#11350
-We will travel Azeroth and visit the many towns, cities and off the beaten path bars and taverns, hopefully running into the scuffles along the way. For those of a more sophisticated nature, may we offer some wine tastings in the beautiful Stormwind Park District. For those that are not heavily invested in RP this could be the perfect place to have a little fun with it.
-Smaller, Casual, Helpful, No Drama Guild built from a group of friends who have played many expansions together looking to build up our classic community throughout the long journey of leveling to 60 and very excited to meet new players along the way. Core of the guild will be quite active everyday. Most of us work 9-5 and enjoy a lot of playtime in the home hours and especially the weekends. We want an environment of a healthy active roster but not too large that some get lost in the madness. We want everyone to feel included even you shy types.
-Focus on World PvP, BGs, Dungeons, with a bit of RP-PVP in the form of weekly bar crawls and brawls with some fun in discord.
-Raiding is to be determined. More than likely it will be EST based and need pugs to fill, therefore /roll MS>OS is likely to be the loot rules. Possible weekend runs just depends on roster and subject to change.
-Phase 1 Goal: Level to 60 helping guildies along the way with class quest help, dungeon grouping, general questions etc, Help guildies get pre-raid BiS Dungeon Gear, Professions, Epic Mount, weekly Bar Crawls social event at 60 (WPVP).
-Phase 2: PVP Ranking through World PVP, Dire Maul Runs
-Phase 3: Premade BGs will be a main focus when these hit.
-Phase 4: ZG
So Excited for Classic!
If a small tight knit community is what you are looking for, we would love to have you! WPVP lovers especially. Though i also love running Dungeons!
Looking for a token drunk dwarf to lead the table dances
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Hi friends! Kufawl here, long-time horde player (since vanilla release) that will be rolling alliance on Grobbulus with some friends for RP/PvP and general vanilla shenanigans. Vanilla is best with friends; we’re looking for other people with other things going on in live and who don’t plan on taking it too seriously while still trying to enjoy the social aspects of vanilla.
Feel free to add me on Bnet Kufawl#1827 and discord Kufawl#8052… hope to see you guys around when the servers go up tomorrow!
… for the alliance 
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Hey Kufawl thanks for the post. If you and/or your friends are interested in joining Stormwind Bar Room Brawlers we would love to have you. Meow will contact you soon on discord.
You guys seems pretty interesting. I have never played too much WoW, and what I have played is Legion and BFA. That means no vanilla or really early experience at all… I am currently in Nursing school, so I am not sure how much time I will have and my schedule, but I am definitely looking for some cool people do enjoy the experience with and maybe get some pointers along the way.
Oh and I currently have a premade gnome Warlock waiting because I didnt know what to play.
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We welcome from all walks of life. A lot of us work full time jobs and don’t play as heavily as we used to, casual players and players new to vanilla are always accepted. I played late in tbc and not much at that so vanilla is a whole new monster for me as well. If you’re still looking for a home contact me through one of the methods posted above I’d love to have a chat and see if we could be the right fit for you!
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Only 11 hours to go! Can’t wait!
Hopefully they get server forums up soon so we can migrate over there.
Ready to watch the South Park episode on loop while I wait 3 hours to log onto game yasss
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Keylogs are made of dreams
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Join and I will tell you a dinosaur fun fact.
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I do believe anky owes you a dinosaur fact
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Hiya I am in the que for the server you all responded to my post about lf a guild
Flying reptiles such as Pteranodon are not actually dinosaurs. They are a separate group of animals called pterosaurs and were highly diverse, with many different morphologies and filling different ecological niches. They are closely related to dinosaurs, birds and crocodiles. Quetzalcoatlus, the largest living thing to have ever flown, stood as tall as a modern giraffe and had a wingspan of 40ft.
Happy leveling to everyone! Hope y’all were able to get at some point and enjoy it