[A] [Stormrage] <Warforged> 9/9 N 7/9H Aberrus Guild Recruiting dps to continue pushing heroic!

Bump for edit.

Still looking for people! Especially interested in rdps!

Trying our first raid tomorrow! Come join the fun!

Great group! Downing new bosses every raid night! Come join the fun!

Bump for edit :slight_smile:

Open to everyone! Come join us as we start pushing heroic!

just sent a discord request to Vespine to ask a few questions :slight_smile:

Still looking for more to start heroic next week! Particularly ranged dps!

Will be contacting you in game.

Buddy and I are interested in joining and help grow. One of us or both will try to contact you in game.

Daily bump :slight_smile:

Great group and had a bunch of cool people join recently. Come join in!

What time zone for raid times? I am a returning payer who skipped most of shadowlands after castle nathria 386 dps dk, and also have a 376 hunter , currently dk is on illidan and hunter is on proudmoore

Hello Mythrael! Raid times are set in EST!

8/8 N 2/8 H achieved! Still looking for more to continue our heroic push.

To the top! :slight_smile:

Chill group

Happy Valentines day! still looking for people to continue heroic!

Bump for edit! Pushed 5/8 H this week!

Bump. come join us.