[A] [Stormrage-US] <Broken Limits> Rebuilding Mythic Roster for Season 4!

Yo listen up here’s a story, about a little post in a blue world, and all day and all night and all they see is blue, and you can too

da bumpzzz?

In life, we all run into a few BUMPS occasionally.

The bumped this thread shall be!


recruiting ranged and healzz

BUMP need ranged and healers !!! <3

We need YOU!!

Still recruitng for peeps!

What is a bump?

still looking for new ranged dps!

We are currently still looking for dps!

The needs are mighty for ranged dps!

da bump - still recruiting ranged dps and DH :slight_smile:

Bump! In now in need of some tanks!

need awesome players! ranged dps, dhs, tanks

Really in need of a Brewmaster Monk! Still recruiting!