[A] [Stormrage] <Pylon> 7/10M LFM for CE in 9.0 and into 9.1

is a close knit group of internet friends that love playing WoW together. We hang out on Discord daily and occasionally play other games together. Right now Cutting Edge is our main priority. We have a solid core but are looking for more to allow for comp changes and RL events to not hinder the group. Ideally we’d have a 24-26 man roster going into 9.1. All spots are competitive, we look at mechanics, raid awareness, DPS/HPS, as well as outside of raid gearing/improvements.

Raid times: Tuesday/Thursday 8:00pm-11:00pm ET (server time)

The ideal raider will come to raid prepared, that is, knowing what mechanics are and have a general understanding of them, they would have watched and read at least one raid guide of the current prog boss, have all the necessary enchants, and have backup consumables. The guild provides all consumables for prog bosses. With this, whatever the current difficulty of raiding we are progressing on, all BoEs belong to the guild, this is how we fund consumables but if it is a BiS item it may be distributed to a raider. We do log analysis and provide feedback to raiders within a few days of raid nights, we are direct with feedback but not a-holes about it. We believe in constructive criticism.

We run a trial for new recruits, this week it is a heroic full clear but starting next week it will be a mythic alt run. We also stream all our raids at Twitch.tv/RollieRodz if you’d like to check us out and get a feel for how we do things.

If you have any other questions you can reach out to me on Discord: RollieRodz#1990 or on Bnet: RollieRodz#1977

WoW Progress: /guild/us/stormrage/Pylon)

Raider io: guilds/us/stormrage/Pylon)

I don’t know if my situation is alright with you guys but I figured I’d post here anyway just in case.