[A] Stormrage - No Pressure Heroic AOTC Team LF DPS [Tues 7:30 - 9:30 EST]

Calling all (well, just one) shadow priests!!

Still looking for a priest to finish off roster - 1dps slot. Add myself or Liarparadox on Bnet to discuss more!

Come on down, shadow priests, come on down!

still seeking Shadow Priest

Priest slot still up for grabs. DF approaches!

Join us friends!!

Recruiting for TWW.

Come Pew Pew ! Some great people !

Yes, more pew pew needed. Bring all of the pew.

Come check us out!

Solid players just having a good time. We’ve all raided mythic, taking it easy.

Looks like a solid guild, but the real question is do you have Taco Tuesdays. If not, that’s a deal breaker.

We’ve got a few dps spots open for skilled raiders on our raid team. It’s a great group of skilled and friendly people; we get AOTC every tier and we aim to do it efficiently. We also do lots of M+ and some pvp.

Reach out in game or here on the forums.

great place to play

Still here and we’re still recruiting a few spots (3-4)! If you’re an experienced raider looking for a relaxed but efficient and fun group to kill things with… welcome home.

Hey! I have just about every AOTC since the end of WoD, and am looking to move into a new guild that has better raid schedule for me.

I haven’t decided what I’m going to main in TWW in yet, but in DF, I’ve gotten AOTC and KSM on a warlock and a warrior. In Season 4, I switched to healing on my shaman and got KSH. Before DF, I mained Enh/Resto shaman going back to the WOTLK days.

Are there any specific roles/classes you all are looking to add to the team for TWW?

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We currently do not have any specific roles/classes. While our roster has at least one of every class at the moment, since it’s only heroic we do not focus on comp as much as experience and skill. If you can pew pew and do mechanics with a good vibe… then we’re in favor :).

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Spots filling up rather quickly; but there’s still some slots open for our efficient AOTC raid team.

Picking up just a couple of more… reach out if you’re interested

Once voted best guild on Stormrage (by me, but who’s checking?)