[A] Stormrage - No Pressure Heroic AOTC Team LF DPS [Tues 7:30 - 9:30 EST]

Ready to raid in 9.1? Looking for heroic and/or mythic? We are recharging our batteries and looking to go into 9.1 raiding refreshed and strong. Reach out to us if you’re interested in raiding with a friendly and skilled guild.

Interested in 9.1 Mythic Raiding? Come trial with No Pressure. We have a 25 Mythic Roster as well as “Fun Runs / Drunk Raid Nights” on Saturdays. Reach out for more info!

Interested in 9.1 Mythic Raiding? Come trial with No Pressure. We have a 25 Mythic Roster as well as “Fun Runs / Drunk Raid Nights” on Saturdays. Reach out to one of our Officers/GMs for more info!

Recruiting for 9.1, LF DPS slots as well as DPS with off-spec heals/tanks.

Recruiting for 9.1, DPS slots as well as DPS with off-spec heals/tanks.

Recruiting for 9.1

Recruitment is open for a Boomkin on Mythic Roster Trial, as well as a few slots for Heroic Farm Team lead by 7/10M Nathria Raiders (AOTC, Sell Runs, Glory of The Dominant Raider Achieve). Reach out today!

Still Recruiting Range DPS for Mythic 25 Man Roster.

RDPS… we’re looking for you… reach out! PATCH DAY!!

Still recruiting range dps for both our mythic group and our heroic only group (led by 7/10 mythic raiders).

Mythic prog group: rdp

Heroic only group highest needs (previous raiders with AOTC/mythic xp): rdps, mw monk or other healer

boomkin/mage recruits, reach out.

Still recruiting RDPS!

Recruiting still

Recruiting Range DPS for Mythic.

Still recruiting rdps

LF raiders for our heroic and mythic teams!

still recruiting

LF HPal and RDPS for Mythic Team! MW Monk and Mage for Heroic Team.

Still recruiting healers

Still LF Healer