[A] [Stormrage] Hollow Crown *"Quality" Casual Raiding Guild* 1/10M 10/10H

Still looking for a healer for the core raid roster!

Bumpity bumpity, pls heal my rumpity

Looking for a good RDPS or an exceptional DH

Bumpity bump bump!

Looking for a good RDPS or an exceptional DH

bumpity bumperino

bump for some range and a DH

Bump Happy New Year!

looking for strong players to round out our roster

Looking for an exceptional tank prefer DH

Bump! Come play with us!

Bump, we are LF a few good dps, a healer, and an off-tank to fill out our roster

Where them sexy people at

Still looking for a few good members very open to tanks currently

Still looking for a tank, ranged, and a healer

Have open roster spots for a tank, healer, and ranged dps

Bump for a tank and some range dps

Bump! Love is in the air!

Bump for a Healer, a Mage/DH, and an exceptional Tank!

I would be interess to come on my Hunter, any open spot ?