[A] Stormrage [H] Zul'Jin <A Night Off> Multi Team Guild

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Bump to the top

Finish the expansion strong with a great guild!

Large community of gamers across both factions! Join us now in preparation for cross faction content!

Best guild NA, come see what we got

bumping to top

Meeeeeeeep! Bump!

Lots to do! Plenty of people to do it with! You will have a blast! I promise!

bumping up

It doesn’t get better than this!

Skkrrrrrrrt bump!

Let’s see this back to the top

We’re going to the top and we want you to join us!

Great guild and community super supportive and willing to help everyone

bumping up

Back to the top with you!

LFG within the guild

Seriously, this is not a bump. This is hands down the best guild on Stormrage.

Love this and raid with them so they deserve to be on top.

Come join us!