[A] [Stormrage] Atrophy 12/12 M is recruiting!

Cool guild looking for cool raiders! :wink:

Reclear tonight! Again! lol

Bumping! :slight_smile:

CE goes away in 3 weeks! Shadowlands in 9 weeks! Get your self in a good guild now. May i suggest us? :stuck_out_tongue:

Come join SL with the best!

One week closer to SL!

Bumping! :smiley:

Killed Mr. Nigel Zoth again tonight! Even got my mount! :smiley:

Let’s go! Come join the best!

Good morning! Get Bumped!

Bumping the forums on this lovely Sunday! :slight_smile:

Tuesday rest and a long maintenance! Take this time to secure a good guild for SL! :smiley:

Late night bump!

Bump! Another Thurs night another Mr. Nigel Zoth kill.

Looking for some motivated players, including a tank!

Bump for that tank spot! Where my Motivated taunters at?!?!

Tanks, hello?

Bump for greatness!

Warlocks hello?

Only 28 days left!