Even though your trolling il say this, I have no horde on my server (heartseeker) to kill and it sucks. And when I do find someone they are always the lowest skilled players I have ever run into in all my years in wow.
As I just posted in another thread, I seriously doubt that Blizzard will say or do anything about this situation.
I do not believe this is true at all.
However, their original projection for Classic was that far fewer people would be interested, and of that population, even fewer would want to stay for the long haul. So they designed Classic with the idea that server pops would fall off substantially, soon after the initial release. Obviously, they were incorrect on this one. However, P2 may help to ease a little population load if enough people unsub/take breaks.
I think that a lot of unsubbers/breakers will return for P3 though.
I cancelled my account because of phase 2 and there are still plenty of PSes out there that, in my opninion, did classic better than blizzard did, either time.
the funny thing is, this will lighten up, it always does.
This is Xmas morning when all the gifts are opened and the kids cant stop playing with their new shiny toys.
Eventually they will tire of it and things will return to normal.
But lord, the amount of current whining from not being able to get ones’ fifty cent daily fix of going from point A to point B in this game is astounding.
Rofl. Are you salty too? Here, let me elaborate for the snowflakes that can’t take a PvP game… THIS IS CLASSIC WOW. It’s not RETAIL. Tired of being camped? How about leveling another character? Maybe level faster so YOU can do the same thing to the opposing faction? Go to retail? Play on a PvE server because snowflakes can’t take getting camped on a PVP GAME. I am tired of losers complaining about the camping fest. Do I get camped? HELL YEAH!!! Guess what - Do I complain? Nah. I just bring my main along with guildies to do the same crap to them. Solved. Bada-bing-bada-boom. It’s the nature of the game. Everyone that complains about Phase 2 releasing with Honor… Wow… It’s really pathetic, very pathetic.