[A] Stalagg <Vangar> 3 day Weekend

vanilla ice cream yummm

Ever eaten a Cold Stone Ice cream? :heart_eyes:

wildly off topic, but no haven’t even eaten ice cream on a long while.

I scream for ice cream

Need ranged dps!

wowzers this guild looks neeto

bump time again

bums up lets do this

Go ahead and submit and application if you are interested in joining.

Love this summer heat!

Lookin good lads. Get those legs pumpin we runnin all around the barrens

classic hype

The hype for classic

need warlocks

we are filling up nicely, need more mages and warlocks

Puts a tray of cookies down

What type of cookies?

lock and chocolate chip.

mages are dope

Agreed with mages being dope