[A] <SOMA> 9/9M 7/8M Wed/Thurs 7:45-10:45 EST LF Warlock + Other Dps

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Still lf good raiders

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LF good players

Do dps exist

Still searching

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Still looking

Still looking for gamers

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CE tank interested in applying. Have two mythic viable tank toons I keep up with (DH & Monk).

Contact info:
Discord- Bigdiggles#2518

What most interests me here is the 2 night a week schedule in a solid CE guild.

I am an experienced ex-hardcore player (since vanilla), that can only play on a more casual schedule now, and still takes progression seriously. I am in my mid 30s, and having other real life obligations, so I don’t have time for toxicity or immaturity.

I can offer 95%+ attendance, plus a positive team-based attitude. My goals are for the team to improve, and I have the most fun when we are progressing and killing bosses.

I can’t promise I will never make a mistake, but I communicate with leadership, review my play, and will fix it. I am always striving to improve, and open up trying creative strats to get the job done.

The only caveat I see here is I would have to transfer to alliance, which I am willing to do for the right guild. Please contact me if interested.

Monday afternoon bump