Delete post pls. Not sure why I can't as the creator

Still looking :slight_smile:

Still looking!

Always looking for more!

Looking bb

we need you!

Yes, yes we do!

We still looking! :slight_smile:

Hello…it’s me…

Tried applying but it won’t let me submit…

Hey Baredete! Make sure you remove the spaces in the application URL. Blizz doesn’t allow you to post urls so you have to add in spaces in it.

I hear voices

https:// www.mayoclinic. org/diseases-conditions/schizophrenia/symptoms-causes/syc-20354443

Hello darkness my old friend

I don’t know the rest of the words to the song

Still looking :slight_smile:

We need you!

Still looking for more!

Send me a request, I’ll chat about the guild! Scythe#12302

Bump, bump, bump it up!

Still looking for more!