[A] < Skyfang> 9/10H looking for more

Guild & Server: Skyfang ( Sargeras )

ALLIANCE Semi - Hardcore

Raid Times/Days: :Wednesday and Thursday

9:00pm cst - 12:00am cst.

Current Progression: 9/10 H

Friendly and Mature community looking to fill our ranks

Most of the raid is 10/10 H just trying to push the guild to get AOTC and start mythic

Looking for dps and heals preferred

Affliction lock
Shadow priest
Unholy DK
Disc priest

Please have logs ready and be at least 8/10 heroic

We also push Mythic keys daily and have an alt raid.

Battle tag is Dubzor#11548


Hey! Taking non raiders as well, an willing to help those who want to raid/m+

Bumpy bump! Still looking to push next reset. Looking for range dps pref a warlock and priest healer with dps off spec

Bumpers. Stilll looking for DPS!

Hello, im planning to transfer my shaman over to this realm. I can heal or dps. Im currently 9/10H. LF a new home if you guys are still recruiting

aotc! getting this mythic grp together lets go boys n girls

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