I mean more so that if you play a villain for example, there’s a fight against Superman where you can’t hurt him at all without using Kryptonite, even though your character can have Kryptonian powers minus the Kyrptonite weakness.
I like that they started DH off as being strict to the lore. That being said, if they open the class up to other races, I’d hope they don’t keep it elf locked.
I am fine with the Demon Hunter class being expanded to other races other then Elves. As for Void Elves I don’t mind them getting it. Although I’m not sure how it would work. I mean Xhul’hurac being a prime example of mixing Fel and Void together didn’t end so well.
Blood elves are also very big on the Light and have the same story involving the primary leader of the race betraying the rest of the race betraying them for power.
Demon hunters are people who become so consumed in their quest to hurt the Legion that they turn to fel energies, draenei seem as likely as anyone to reach that level of obsession.
Blood elf demon hunters were created long before blood elves retook wholeheartedly to the Light. Our DH characters are the same Illidari we fight in BC Outland.
I’d think night elves would be a better example, as they are naturally resistant to demonic magic. Altruis even states this in a Burning Crusade questline when contrasting night elf demon hunters to blood elf demon hunters to explain why Varedis became so adept so quickly.
It is not surprising that a blood elf’s potential for power as a demon hunter is so high. After all, the sin’dorei do not have the natural aversion to demonic magic that night elves do.