[A] <Shanghai Zen Masters> Recruiting! 8pm - 10pm EST

Emberthrow is very bad at gambling, come take his money.

Wow, applying for this guild was nothing like applying to college!

Didn’t have to write any long essays, and I even got accepted? How refreshing.

Need some more to have a full group for mythic shriek. #letsgo #retail>tbc #frickkarazhan #castledenathriabestraid #hashtag #octothorpe #meta #nochanges #somechanges #creditcardbalancechanges

I know y’all bored of Burning Crusade prepatch already, don’t even lie.

Sent an application. Looking for an AOTC focused guild and running mythic plus on off days. Getting tired of the PUG life :weary:

We just lookin for a good time, even if it takes all night.

Still in search of a heal/DPS flex and RDPS players!