[A] Semi serious player LF guild potentially

Looking for East coast pvp servers recruiting, that raid 8pm-12am Tues-Thursday server.

I’m a solid player that plays both Resto/Boomkin Druid, and Fire destro warlock. Both are geared and raid ready, or close too…

Just putting my feelers out there and seeing if there might be a better situation for me. Thanks for your consideration.

If Sunday is a potential option for your schedule, our guild:

Could be a potential home for you.

Hi Kodama,

We are looking for a boomkin and a full time resto currently. We are on a West Coast server but our raid times match your needs perfectly. T/Thu 6pm to 10 PM (pac). We are more about community but we take our raiding pretty serious. Great group of people. If this sounds interesting come check us our.
Good luck finding a home.

I submitted an app.

LOL I had just DM’d you when I saw you join the server. I’m in the process of approving your app now.