[A] Seeking Guild Merger

Hey, we’ve got about 10 solid players in our guild and we are 9/10 Heroic with Sire at 5% multiple times.

We want to get CE by tiers end, but are having trouble finding quality players that are consistently good in their role.

I think we could make a really good guild by merging the top players of our guilds together into a better guild.

Add me on Bnet or reply here, #Br4wn#1859

Solid players who do all the extra work outside of raid. (PvP gearing, mythic+, etc)

add me moofosa#1722. Let us have a chat

I’d be interested in talking with you, seeing if our teams are compatible.
In game: Gracyn#11617 or Saberpro#1901
Discord: Gracyn#8603 or Saberpro#1256


Hey there!
I am the current GM of ChaosTheory-US-Stormrage
We have Two teams, one that is progressing Mythic and the other team that is currently on Progression with H Generals,
We were also interested in forming a third team to follow suit, In which each teams goal would be CE progression.
We are a mature, progression-focused guild.
Our Third Team is currently named Odin with a Raid leader with previous experience and is a DH Tank.
Id love to get this team going, So if you would be interested in chatting more let me know
Solemn#8227 on Discord

What’s up, Bro! I’m the GM of Progress Not Parses, a small, tight-knit guild on US-Stormrage who is currently 7/10H with plans to continue into Mythic Nathria. We have 15 raiders and are looking to recruit up to 25-30 for our team. I’d love to chat with you to see if our teams would vibe! We have a well-set-up, active Discord with other games, D&D and other cool nerdy stuff to offer as well as an administrative team with a wide range of experience, including our raid leader who has previously held a leadership position in a top 10 US raid guild.

Hit me up on Discord or reply here if you wanna link up. :slight_smile:


hey there, message me on discord - cherie#5217

we are a 2/10 M 10/10 H team :slight_smile: