(A) Sargeras - Former Top 150 DK/BM MT LF Home during SL

Per the title, a returning top 150 DK/BM MT and Shaman Heals returning to the game!
Have been a recruitment officer and raid leader for said top 150 guild as well. Mature and prepared for raids.

My availability is 8:30 server T-Th. Let me know at Shikaka#11186

hi there, im forming a new guild of friends looking to raid mythic and were at about half a raid team but currently recruiting. our lead is 12/12M with the rest all having varying experience levels.
were a pretty troll group (roasting eachother, banter, all that etc) but are looking to be semi-serious with regards to pushing content.
we currently have a high need for tanks and ranged dps.
Raid nights are looking to be wed/thurs 8-11pm EST.

if youre interested feel free to message me on discord/bnet.

Discord: Le Borat#4648
Battlenet: LeBorat#1320

Good morning madpuff, please reach out if my guild interests you. I’d love to talk more. [A] - <groupchat> 2 Day Weeknight 7hr W/TH 7:30-11PST LFM CE Shadowlands