Looking to add a DH tank to the roster, full time!
need a TANK for 9.1 and re-clears!!! PST
Looking to add a TANK and some DPS players for 9.1!
We are looking for someone to add that could TANK big dam in 9.1
Looking to add a non-BM tank
LOOKING FOR A MAIN TANK! (non-brewmaster preferred)
Looking to add exceptional players to the team
Looking to add a TANK for 9.1
bump LF a tank to add to the team
Added you on Discord
Bump still looking to add a tank for 9.1!
Bump looking for more playters to add to the team in 9.1
Looking for some solid DPS to add to the team
Looking to add more for re-clears and 9.1 progression
BUMP LF more poeple to join ranks in 9,.1
Still lookjng to add solid players to the team
still looking to add some range dps to the raid team
Looking for a Disc Priest / Resto ShamanG
Also looking for a DH DPS
Looking for a DISC/RESTO Shaman and DH DPS.
I applied. You can contact me at ThePantz#11993 on battle.net as well.