[A] [Sargeras] - <FORGE> - 8/8M VOTI -- [US#91]- LF GAMERS TO PUSH RANK NEXT TIER

Harambe and protect the mokoko’s

If at first you don’t succeed, try again

The Pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.

looking to add some serious players to the roster

Looking for a tank immediately

Looking for a Tank immediately for progression on Mythic Jailer

Bump looking to add gamers to the team

The Pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.

bumperino for the hall of famerino

Hi would yall be looking a mistweaver by chance? Multiple CE in previous tiers and have Jailer prog exp. Add Celerie#11855 if so. If not free bump :smiley:

Not at this time! But if you have any other healing toons feel free to drop an app!

Thank you for the bump

BUMP LOOKIN FOR BBB dps for reclears and 10.0!

Are you still looking for tanks?

Yessir! Add me on Discord or Bnet

Would you guys be interested in a Ret pally with CE experience?

Hi, yes we would. Please drop an app at the link above

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Just filled out an App. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Ty sir! Will hit you up by tomorrow waiting on officers

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BUMP! Looking for a big baller tank (non-monk)

Sounds good