123 451 2241 45151 f4e
146551 5232 5512 gg
LF 1 Priest player
7854 6289 fr4 see
124 51512 513 5123 gf
14142 1412 222 1s3 45s
5t 233 f121 5651sd w2
/ ,k /.’
Hi there. I’m interested
Hello! Apply at ^http://www.guildsofwow.com/forge/
We’re playing Lost Ark but recruiting for 9.2
LF some gamers to add to the team for 9.2
BUMP looking to add a Warrior + Priest to the gang
Bump looking to add some DPS to the team
Looking for a full-time warrior
115652 ff3 2s 345 ddd
We’re playing Lost Ark but recruiting for 9.2
5t 233 f121 5651sd w2
252 ilv WARRIOR at your service. Wark#2983
Bump looking to add to the team