[A] Sargeras - 6 Raiders LF Mythic Progression Guild

Good morning! Here is our recruitment post for more information.

Basically, we have two raid teams. I raid lead the Mythic team. And I know what you’re thinking, “But we just server transferred, we don’t want to do it again AND faction change!” I can fully understand the forward commitment. To that I say, we had a group of 4 Alliance transfer over right before AEP, and they would be the best ones to talk to. Hexie and Urthog (in our recruitment post) are two of the four. I would be happy to talk to any of you as well. A few of our raiders stream, so you’re welcome to watch us and get a feel for the team. And we could talk about helping with transfers if things progress. Add me on bnet and we can chat further (True#1326). The best part is we’re a long time established guild, so I guarantee we’re not going anywhere. We’ve been around since WotLK days.