[A-RP] <The Wolf Cult> moved!

"Return to Duskwood" Campaign recap and conclusion :deciduous_tree:

Two months ago, the pack investigated an old ritual site left behind by the Cult of the dammed during the Scourge invasion prepatch event. In disturbing it they released several shades, the ghosts of the Cultists who did a mass suicide at the site.

The pack also had a scourgestone, from a Cultist they killed during the Scourge invasion. Which the pack tried to use throughout the campaign to hunt down the shades, with no success.

Come find out, the leader of the shades is the one they killed and took the Scourgestone from, and he wanted it back.

Last week, he got it, with some help from Lilith, a young Nightbane sorceress who the pack had met throughout the campaign. His plan was to have her give him a new Lich like body using the stone, so he could wield it himself.

The pack came to stop it. Phase one, they fought the shades while the ritual was finishing. Phase two, Lilith sent the remaining shades into skeletons, which the pack had to kill. Phase three, Lilith betrayed the lead shade and sent him into a body as well, which manifested far larger comprised of several skeletons.

The pack ended up killing him, destroying the scourgestone, and losing sight of Lilith.

Stay tuned for our next campaign, in planning to take place in Ardenwaeld!

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"Duskwood RP" tonight, Monday, at 7-10pm pst! :camping:
The pack can be found among the trees tonight in the dark forest of Duskwood, be it the village, moonwell, town, or elsewhere on the dark forest. Outside the territory or amongst the nightbane, who knows what visitors or new friends might appear. (casual rp, all are welcome, new characters welcome)


"Hunting Trip" tonight, at 7-10pm pst! :deer:
The pack goes out to eat! Meet at the village, and head out to a new location, to test their skill and bond as nature intended. No weapons, no armor, no magic. Only the Purity and its gifts, and the pack. The pack’s initiates must attend a hunt to understand the pack life on their journey to Cultist.

All worgen welcome to join us tonight, new folks and allies alike!

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Gonna give a bump to Wolf Cult. They have been nothing but amazing in my time knowing them!


"Gilneas RP" tonight at 7-10pm pst! :beers:

Join us back where it all started five years ago, in Gilneas. Be ye rebel scum from the Northgate rebellion, royals feeding from the hand of nobility, or human spies to a growing cult in the shadows, you have all found yourselves quarantined in the market square. Even as shadows gather on the rooftops, and the howling begins. How will you survive, and at what cost?

Its been 11 months, so its time we do this again! Make a fresh lvl1 worgen to roleplay through each level of the starting zone as a group. Casual RP on our main toons afterwards.

"Duskwood RP" tonight, Monday, at 7-10pm pst! :camping:

The pack can be found among the trees tonight in the dark forest of Duskwood, be it the village, moonwell, town, or elsewhere on the dark forest. Outside the territory or amongst the nightbane, who knows what visitors or new friends might appear. (casual rp, all are welcome, new characters welcome)

:wolf: Cult of the Wolf :wolf:


Cult of the Wolf

Cult of the Wolf is a werewolf style worgen RP guild, based on the Wolf Cult from worgen lore. Themes include living and hunting as a pack, shapeshifting to navigate the city, and sharing the curse via bite with willing aspirants. We are a heavy roleplay guild now on Moon Guard, running wild and free in Duskwood since October 30th 2016.


In lore, the Wolf Cult is a secret organization comprised of the Silverpine and Duskwood packs of worgen. It is seen first in the Gilneas starter zone, and explained in detail in the five part WoW comic Curse of the Worgen, and the prequel Dark Riders. While the foolish believe the worgen gift to be a curse, this order believes it is a blessing, and embrace its strengths and the wild. Lead by Alpha Prime - the first worgen - they orchestrated the attack on Gilneas, and make up the sentient worgen you see attacking the city, biting as many as possible. After Prime’s death, much of the Wolf Cult has gone into hiding in the woods as the Bloodfang and Nightbane, and our humble group is part of the latter in Duskwood. We embrace the “Purity”, share with those ready to receive, and shapeshift to reach more of the lost and confused. The goal; to live as we were meant to, to grow as a people, and to one day take our place as the apex predators of this world.


Members are required to have Discord and TRP3, be over 18, and be a worgen or want to become one. Rules include act mature and respect players, do not ERP with minors or in the open, and respect and follow lore to the best of your ability. Events are held throughout the week at 10-12 CST and include a mix of hunts, rituals, campaign events, and casual RP.

The fiend of which I write is the Worgen. Old, rural folklore may hearken to these creatures. For what farmer’s child has not heard tales of beastly wolf-men stalking the fields and marshes outside his village? And truth may hide in such tales–perhaps they are warnings against the Worgen, veiled as myths to frighten us. But before such tales are dismissed, let me now assure the reader: Worgen are real. They may not be from our world, but avenues exist between their home and ours and powerful magic can pull them here. Such chants are best left unuttered. For where ever the Worgen tread, they bring terror and bloodshed with them.
- Book of Ur, World of Warcraft -


:scroll: Lore Foundation

Cult of the Wolf is based on the Wolf Cult from worgen lore, described in detail in source material such as Curse of the Worgen, Dark Riders, and ingame quests. The Cult believes the curse is a blessing, calling it “The Purity”. Under their leader, Alpha Prime, the cult orchestrated the “outbreak” in Gilneas, and thrives to this day in Duskwood.

:wolf: Canon Worgen

The cult was created on the foundations of the canon worgen, as portrayed by the game and its story. While we are inspired by werewolf cinema and folklore, we strive to maintain canonicity to the best of our ability, with room for creativity. Worgen are portrayed with golden eyes, but with several other options available. The race does not, however, grow additional appendages. Wolfsbane is deadly, the curse is spread through bite and blood, humans and kaldorei can become worgen, shapeshifting is gradual, and all worgen hunt. For what it means to play World of Warcraft’s lycanthropic race, click here.

:house: Structure

Cult of the Wolf is a heavy roleplay guild valuing quality over quantity, with a slow immersive progression experience. We adapt canon lore on the Wolf Cult into our guild ranks, rules, and more. Requirements and Rules are in place to ensure a quality and safe environment, and we remain worgen only (with exceptions, see below) to preserve the pack atmosphere. Ranks are gained through event requirements, rites of passage, and rituals. Leadership is called “Packlord”, as in alpha of this group of nightbane, while “Packleader” is held by the npc Marus, alpha of all nightbane.

:calendar: Events

Events are held throughout the week at 10-12 CST (8-11 PST) and include a variety of hunts, campaign events, and casual RP.

:small_orange_diamond: Hierarchy

Hierarchy is a common theme in both pack cultures and cult organizations. Being both, it is no surprise that the Wolf Cult of World of Warcraft lore involves aspects of initiation, rank progression, and leadership. We see this ingame with various NPCs labeled Initiates or Packleaders, and again throughout the comics, which even depict the Wolf Cult’s rites of initiation. With such details available, we have adapted this lore into the structure of the guild. New members will start at the bottom as an Aspirant wishing to join, and will climb rank through various challenges including both guild events and character growth.

:game_die: Style

Our goal is to provide the best worgen pack experience possible, using the themes and canon lore above to form an engaging story. Most if not all scheduled guild events will be for casual or d20 roleplay, with unscheduled content between events. TRP3 is a must, and character help is available. As a guild based on WoW antagonists, themes include violence, criminality, nudity, drug use, and even darker antagonists. We use the Nightbane areas of Duskwood, and use human form in cities to avoid being recognized as terrorists cultists and criminals.

“The curse more than heightened our senses. We see things that no normal human can. Some call you Lo’Gosh, though that they use a Taur-ahe title for you I find ironic. Still, it is but another name for Goldrinn, as we have come to know our patron spirit since our transformation. I saw the aura of that spirit around you the first moment you arrived at the banquet, and even though you gave every indication of crushing our hopes then, I still held out for our chances because I could see his touch upon you as if it were your own skin. . . .”
- Genn Greymane, Wolfheart -


Did you used to be "The Wolf Cult" on WrA?

We were indeed! We began on Emerald Dream, once part of a worgen guild there in 2015. As we learned more about lore, we wished to roleplay canon worgen, not the stereotypical cursed human. Aspiring for something more, myself and five others founded “The Whitefang Pack” on October 30th 2016, and moved to greener pastures to Wyrmrest Accord that winter. Once a simple pack under the command of the Cenarion Circle, the pack has endured many hardships and adventures on its way to joining the cult in Duskwood a year later, and taking the name The Wolf Cult in 2019. When the need to transfer arrived, we found the name was already taken on Moonguard, and have taken a similar name, used in the Wolf Cult’s Hearthstone card: Cult of the Wolf.

Do you accept alts?

Alts are accepted! In addition to our member ranks, we have “(Cultist Alt)” and “(Council Alt)” for member and officer alts respectively. Once a member has joined, and reaches Initiate rank, they may have as many alts in the guild as they wish. While the main toon must be a worgen, alts may be any race and class.

What level do I have to be to join?

Level one! Our joining ranks are Interested Player, Applicant, and Aspirant. These have no level requirement, and will give access to the guild calendar, events, roster, and discord server.

Have a question? Ask in the comments below!

“And you shall know, Halford Ramsey. All will be revealed to you. The truth of the worgen. What they are and where their journeys have taken them. Truth, I say. Not myth or superstition. Only in the wake of these revelations will I ask you to form your own judgements.”
- Alpha Prime, Curse of the Worgen Issue 1 -


Looking for the perfect worgen-only pack environment for your wild soul?

Hunting for a RP guild that sates your hunger?

Lycan what you see?

You are in luck, Cult of the Wolf is recruiting! Must have TRP3, an appetite for roleplay, and over 18 to join. If interested, join the discord, message me ingame, or reach me through any of the contact info listed below.

Hungry for worgen roleplay you can sink your teeth into? Click here to join!

Cult of the Wolf is recruiting! Add Redmane on discord, or join the guild discord to learn more.

Raedölf (GM) discord: Redmane#1794
Maureste (Officer) discord: Charlottie#7389
Guild discord: https://discord.gg/wk34ZsB

Related Projects

Related Projects

Wyrmrest Accord

World’s End Tavern

Story Forum

  • Worgen timeline (Coming soon)
Contact Info

Ingame: Raedölf
Btag: Redmane#11966
Discord: Redmane#1794

“Cult of the Wolf” Guild Discord: https://discord.gg/wk34ZsB
“CotW and Friends” Community Discord: https://discord.gg/EuF4BY6
“CotW and Friends” In-game cross-server Community: https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/E0GezwZiEg?region=US&faction=Alliance

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"Righteous Kill" tonight, Tuesday, at 7-10pm pst! :dagger:

Aspirants have learned about the Cult. Now, if they choose to join, they will find the pack at Brightwood village and prove themselves with the Righteous Kill. Once complete, they will be found worthy, and initiated at the next den meeting.

Required for new folks to rank up. This serves as a walkthrough and introduction to the guild dice system, and your character’s rite of passage. Download Dicemaster beforehand. Pack members come and support, and ensure no aspirants die before their time.

"Gilneas questline RP" tonight at 7-10pm pst! :beers:

Join us back where it all started five years ago, in Gilneas. Be ye rebel scum from the Northgate rebellion, royals feeding from the hand of nobility, or human spies to a growing cult in the shadows, you have all found yourselves quarantined in the market square. Even as shadows gather on the rooftops, and the howling begins. How will you survive, and at what cost?

Want to join us? Tis open to guildies and nonguildies! Make a fresh lvl1 worgen to roleplay through each level of the starting zone as a group. We last left off just as we got to Stormglen and woke up as worgen, and will be roleplaying through the Forsaken invasion.

"Den Meeting" tonight, Wednesday, at 7-10pm pst! :wolf:

The pack gathers at the den to recap on recent events, plot their next moves, and plan for the future. Aspirants that have done their Righteous Kill will get to see the den for the first time, and may be initiated. Members who have done their righteous kill, pack hunt, monster hunt, or ritual of balance may be promoted. Ask for the guild uniform, or wear your most dramatic culty attire for the occasion, and prepare to welcome new brothers and sisters into our circle.

Lore night tonight, Monday, at 8:30pm pst! :scroll:

The Wolf Cult will be hosting our origins lore night around the campfire tonight. All are welcome - Alliance and Horde alike - to come by and listen by the fire’s edge or in the shadows, and learn how the worgen race and the Wolf Cult came to be. Required for Applicants and Interested Players.

  • Brightwood Grove, Duskwood. Nightbane village
  • Rumors of this were spread ahead of time, that your character may have heard
  • Casual RP after
  • Come IC or OOC, both are fine for ranking up
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"Den RP" tonight, Wednesday, at 7-10pm pst! :mountain:
The pack can be found at their own secluded haven tonight in the deep woods, often around the campfire, in the den, or the nearby huts. It is to be a time of relaxing in complete safety, where none but the pack may hear what might be discussed between its members.

Initiates that missed their promotion may be promoted

Upcoming events

  • Friday: free night
  • Saturday: Hunting Trip! (required for @Initiates)
  • Monday: Lore Night (required for @Interested Players and @Applicants)
  • Tuesday: Righteous Kill (required for @Aspirants)
  • Wednesday: Den Meeting (promotion and initiation ceremony)
  • Thursday: Campaign night!

"Hunting Trip" tonight, at 7-10pm pst! :deer:
The pack goes out to eat! Meet at the village, and head out to a new location, to test your skill and bond as nature intended. No weapons, no armor, no magic. Only the Purity and its gifts, and the pack. The pack’s @Initiates must attend a hunt to understand the pack life on their journey to Cultist.

  • All worgen welcome to join us tonight, new folks and allies alike!
  • Location to be determined ingame
  • Gather at 7, decide where to go, get there. I work tonight and will be there as soon as I can.

Good luck with recruitment. It’s good to see alliance side active on the server. I need more enemies.


Lore night tonight, Monday, at 7pm pst! :scroll:

The Wolf Cult will be hosting our origins lore night around the campfire tonight. All are welcome - Alliance and Horde alike - to come by and listen by the fire’s edge or in the shadows, and learn how the worgen race and the Wolf Cult came to be. Required for @Applicants and @Interested Players.

  • Brightwood Grove, Duskwood. Nightbane village
  • Rumors of this were spread ahead of time, that your character may have heard
  • Casual RP after
  • Come IC or OOC, both are fine for ranking up

"Den RP" tonight, Wednesday, at 7-10pm pst! :mountain:
The pack can be found at their own secluded haven tonight in the deep woods, often around the campfire, in the den, or the nearby huts. It is to be a time of relaxing in complete safety, where none but the pack may hear what might be discussed between its members.

Initiates that missed their promotion may be promoted

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"Campaign night: Into the Maw" tonight, Thursday, at 7-10pst! :skull:
The pack has been busy recovering from past challenges and preparing for the next, but now the time has come to enter the Maw.

This week, join the pack on a scouting mission to familiarize with the Maw itself, starting at Oribos and going to Ven’ari’s refuge. Enemies are unlikely to get passed the covenant defenses… but, best bring your weapons and armor just in case.

Back from vacation, and back in action! Find us in Duskwood tonight at 7pm pst!

"Duskwood RP" tonight at 7-10pm pst! :camping:
The pack can be found among the trees tonight in the dark forest of Duskwood, be it the village, moonwell, town, or elsewhere on the dark forest. Outside the territory or amongst the nightbane, who knows what visitors or new friends might appear. (casual rp, all are welcome, new characters welcome)

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Sept 27 - Guild on hiatus

Things have picked up in real life for many of us, and slowed down ingame. WrA, the Alliance, and the game is suffering, and even if we did get enough applicants, I dont have time to host events like I did. I’m lacking the time, energy, and inspiration needed, and this new “woke” WoW puts a bad taste in my mouth. I’ll be putting the guild on hiatus for now, until life calms down and the game population picks up again.

I will not be removing anyone for inactivity, ingame or discord, and people are still welcome to join either. I will likely be available to meet ingame for content or RP at random, I just cant commit to hosting at the moment. If you want to find an active guild for your toon, you’re still welcome to remain in the discord, for when we pick back up again.

In the meantime, because we all have that RP itch to scratch, but I can’t host daily events, I’ll be visiting the tavern in Duskwood at least once a week, and will be looking into hosting (or helping host) a weekly bar night to help the Alliance situation. Likely on the weekends.

Nov 19 - Moving to Moonguard

Hello again everyone! I am sure you have all witnessed the unfortunate decline of Wyrmrest Accord, as a result of this year’s issues. Many guilds have left for other games, gone horde, switched servers, or vanished entirely. Old friends from Deep Forest Caravan, Lioncrest, Vanitas, House of Crows, Duskheart Syndicate, Dread Watch, Eben Sanctuary, Coldwall Collective, Quicksilver Company, the Royal Courier, Battlestein Company, Kalimdor Collective, and many others we know have moved on, and some have found a new home in Final Fantasy, The Horde, or Moonguard.

It would not be the first time we have moved, or had to start anew. In 2016, the guild was founded on Emerald Dream as The Whitefang Pack, with only six people. That winter in 2017, we transferred to Wyrmrest accord, and became the Wolfheart Pack, then Wolfheart Coven. After a hiatus in 2018, the guild was re-founded from scratch as the Darkwood Pack, with only four people. Soon after, we adopted our current name, and continued to thrive on Wyrmrest Accord, with ups and downs along the way. Just like before, this is not the end; this is the third beginning.

I will be transferring this Sunday, and starting fresh. For more information on the move, ways to transfer, what it means for you and the group, and links to keep in touch cross-server, check campaign-chat-1 in Discord.

Nov 19 - Transfer Info

Continued from #updates

I plan to transfer this Sunday. We will be adopting the name to differentiate from the existing wolf cult guilds on Moonguard. Our guild theme, rules, and standard for canon worgen roleplay will remain the same, and we will be based in Duskwood as always, running wild and free, defending our territory, writing campaigns, doing rituals, and making new friends. The server is Alliance dominated, the city is busy at all hours, walkup and guild rp thrives, and we already have old friends like Emerris of the Dread Watch waiting for us.

If you do want to transfer

  • The transfer ($35 out of my pocket) will be going through over the weekend. A placeholder guild will automatically be left on WrA.

  • Anyone that does a character transfer ($25) will be automatically placed in the new guild on MG, with a free name change if needbe. Use the link here: https://us.shop.battle.net/en-us/product/world-of-warcraft-service-character-transfer

  • If you are a veteran member and cannot afford to transfer a character at this time, I can lend it to you via bnet, just let me know.

If you do intend to transfer or make a new toon, you will have access to #cult-of-the-wolf, where all the MG planning stuff is taking place.

If you don’t want to transfer

  • If you are a new member that just recently joined, and won’t be following to MG, I deeply apologize for letting you down. I didn’t expect to move, and I do so with both nostalgic heartbreak and hopeful excitement.

  • If you are making an entirely new toon on MG and starting with nothing, let me know by Sunday if you’d like me to carry anything over for you when I transfer. I have plenty of open bag space for mats etc, or can transfer gold for you via the guild bank. Just tell me how much you deposited, and you can withdraw it once we’re there.

  • If you have several alts in the guild, you’d only need to move or make one. WrA alts and friends can join party to server hop to us on MG.

If you are not transferring or making a new toon, I will not remove you from the discord. I will be making a “WrA” rank so you can still hang out with us here and see what we’re up to.

Hello Wyrmrest! I am editing this post - rather than bumping the thread - to let others know we have moved to Moon Guard, as of November 21st 2021. WrA has suffered many losses over the past several months, and when applications ceased altogether a few months ago, with many still leaving the game, it became impossible to keep the niche single-race guild afloat. That said, we have already been greeted by old friends that apparently moved over here before us, and are enjoying the thriving community and surplus of events.

If you are staying on WrA and still want to play with us, join the Community server ingame with the link below. This will allow us to easily invite you to group for any and all guild rp, server events, content, etc: https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/E0GezwZiEg?region=US&faction=Alliance

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