[A-RP] <The Silver Covenant> High Elf Military RP. Glory to the Quel'dorei!

I’m pretty brand new with these guys and can confirm they’ve been nothing but a delightful and welcoming crew already! Can’t wait to explore TWW with y’all!


A fantastic guild to be a part of and as we transition into TWW, I can only foresee more epic RP to come into play alongside my fellow Vanguard members.


Sure we do, Kianra! It’s been our absolute pleasure to help many new role-players find their way in the world and realize just how much fun Roleplaying has to offer! If you’d like to get in touch, you can reach me on discord at dredful1

Bal’a dash, friends!! I look forward to kicking off TWW with both new and current members very soon! :woman_elf: :sparkling_heart:

For the Glory of the Quel’dorei! For the Light of Belore! WE STAND FOR THE HONOR OF QUEL’THALAS!

The Silver Vanguard is deploying to Khaz Algar to avenge the fallen of Dalaran! Begin your High Elven adventure today!

our online guild application:

htt ps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfT6yW47M6 BBF0fmbznPoivfYYyjAaOUG8nn4qZd0f vocjYaQ/viewform

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Lots of wonderful things coming down the pipeline for the Silver Vanguard!

We are on the hunt for new Quel’dorei to rally to our cause, but I personally, am on the hunt for medics to join our medical division! We are in need of devoted and passionate healers to help keep our people alive, and healthy. Consider us today!


The Nerubians will pay for everything that have done. These foul spawn of the Aqir shall regret ever believing that they were beyond our reach.


Come join us the guild is great and has tons of events every week! :slight_smile:


Now serving Nerubian Kabobs and steamed thorax soup! Belore guide us to new foods!

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Wishing a Happy 3-Year Anniversary to the guild! Thank you for giving my Quel’dorei, and many others, a home with excellent Silver Covenant RP!

I look forward to what TWW has in store for us as we are more relevant now than ever with the Silver Covenant being directly impacted by Dalaran’s Fall.


Congrats on 3 years!! Here’s to many more!


Congrats! Yay!


Thanks so much for your support everyone! If you are interested in High Elven role-play, you can apply for our guild here with this easy In-Character application!

ht tps://docs.google. com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfT6yW47M6BBF0fmbznPoivfYYyjAaOUG8nn4qZd0fvocjYaQ/viewform


Soon, the Vanguard will reign supreme. Soon, we will control the World (of Warcraft). Elves, we make our move… at Midnight.


Tsk tsk tsk…attempting to usurp authority is ill advised.

Death Notice

Intent of expropriate authority has recently been a topic of instant punishment in the Shadowlands. Expect a trip into the darkness.

Just so you know, here in the Maw we are dealing with a shortage of plow horses. I mean after-all someone has to keep the wagons going. We are rebuilding after all. Planning for the future and such, planting crops for early soul harvest, you know how it is…

Or potential guests could be forced to work in the forge. Blistering heat, long hours, no breaks or weekends. Just hard labor.

I think the greatest test of humility is pulling a wagon for days upon end back and forth. Though in reality time has no purpose here…just saying. Give the few animals we do have an eternity long break and let someone else learn how to be humble to their leaders.

I wonder how your forces would react if we pulled in a favor for a reduced sentence on one of your peoples greatest enemies. Known as the “Betrayer” to your people, although anyone that works against his own people would be called that i suppose.

I imagine we could put him to work on keeping your fallen in line should your uprising fail and those who don’t flee are put under the guillotine.

Call them the Drathir Deathsworn or such. Has a nice ring when you get it branded to your soul but that’s theatrics and paperwork we can plan for later.

Seems amazing and a place Whilliam would feel at home, I am sadly however unable to make your link work even when I paste it in edge :frowning:

You have to delete the space between the t and the p at the start and the other spaces in the middle. If you go to their website at htt ps://silvervanguard .carrd .co (delete the spaces at the start of link and the end of vanguard and carrd) it’ll let you apply there as well.

I know I’ll be getting in touch with the Scout Platoon as soon as my High Elf is leveled.

Tried that and it still didn’t work. No worries, I might be missing something, I wrote an IC letter in game :slight_smile:

Weird… It worked for me and everything.

Oh well, Just find one of us in game by typing /who The Silver Vanguard and we will relay the message and get an interview and Ginvite going,

We both appreciate ya’ll for interest to join our guild/community!

Alternatively, the link can not be hacked to pieces by adding an ` at the start and end of it here on the forums, so all one has to do is highlight it, right click, and open a new tab with that address.

Like so:
