Perhaps, but at the same time one would also expect the humans to be capable of feeding their own people, yet as Elf and Troll kind regularly see, you’ve had a ongoing ten year famine in Westfall.
But it’s ok, we all know that the end result remaining humans fleeing from Dazar’alor the moment Rastakhan didn’t cooperate and the humans murdered him because their half-baked plan failed. Just let it sink in you -needed- a sneak attack, there is no if and or but about it :p.
Also, perhaps humans should pay attention next time we use spirit cannons to vaporize them (WQ items go Brrrrrrrr)
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Despite our ongoing issues, we at least haven’t had the embarrassing rises and falls your “empires” have endured.
Remind me again who came out victorious at the battle in Dazar’alor? Sneak attack or not, it still granted us a victory.
And we don’t even want to talk about your Drakkari, Gurubashi, Sandfury, or Amani kin now, do we? 
Remind me again who fled the battle of Dazar’alor on the basis of ‘Forcing a Wedge between the Horde and Zandalari’ with the amazing logic of attacking them?
But hey, it’s ok. You’re also only treading in a Thalassian discourse given your people are intimate with treachery towards them as well.
As for falls of kingdom, shall we talk about how the Horde is ensuring you’re finally seeing the return of one of your Kingdoms in Gilneas given your people’s own issues with extremism that I am entirely sure wont end up resulting in such ‘embarrassing falls’ that will result in the elves and trolls taking a long moment to watch your kin recieve a much needed humbling?
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Said the Troll with the not-living King 
is reminded why X-faction RP must remain limited given how people are extremely bias towards ‘pretty only’ races
In all seriousness Lokhash, I thank you for the banter. I live for this kind of thing~. Feel free to sass us any day.
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Someone talking SMACK about Trolls?
Yo elves! Emergency message from your favorite dragonmage! My discord has been compromised! I no longer have access to vesiana. If any of you ever had me as a friend, unfriend and block immediately! Thanks
I -did- receive a rather strange DM from you the other day and I hadn’t responded to it. Now I’m glad I didn’t.
Tal anu’men no Quel’dorei!
Something, something, something, Quel’dorei!
For the silver vanguard and Quel’Thalas and For the Alliance! ‘’ that is all carry on!
The honor of the High Elves stands strong. Come check out the largest Quel’dorei community in WoW!
The Silver Covenant seeks capable scouts!
Do you have a need for speed? 
A knack for stealth? 
A lust for the landscape? 
A penchant for parkour? 
The Scout Division may be the right fit for you!
Contact Noa Brightbough (hello!) today!
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I like these guys because they let me be an annoying Bard and do annoying Bard things.

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But you’re OUR annoying bard.
Great group to role-play/collaborate with!