Do it.
You know you want to.
Do it.
You know you want to.
New to all this, so forgive the question.
Google has told me what a âHigh Elfâ is but how do you create one on the server?
To make a high elf, you generally unlock Void Elves first. You unlock them by doing a quest chain starting at the Stormwind Embassy. You then customize the Elf so that it choses one of the more âflesh-tonedâ skin colors, and then, you make your character! Thatâs the easiest way to make a high elf. Iâve seen people using human models too, but generally, Void Elf is the way to go.
peers through magical telescope from atop a Spire of Silvermoon
âWhat they doin over there?â
Figure I would bump this threat, because I love this guild.
The Silver Covenant is proud to serve the Alliance! Come stand with the TRUE sons and daughters of Quelâthalas!
By the blood of the Highborne, our enemies know only defeat!
The High Elves stand proud alongside the Alliance. The people of Dathâremar Sunstrider will not forget our oaths to humanity.
Balâa dash, friends! The Silver Vanguard has been a fresh breath of air in the sea of subcommunities within Moon Guard. If you are a Quelâdorei (or half-Quelâdorei!), I highly advise seizing upon open recruitment this week.
Excellent characters IC and excellent players OOC.
I remember a extremely positive experience last year at ToA. ToA was my first real experience with roleplay after leaving my old server and landing on Moonguard. I walked up to you guys on the third day of the tournament I think. There were several members posted up with banners down and whatnot and it was one of the most wholesome experiences I had. Wish you all the best and hope to see you again this year!
Very grateful to everyone for all of their support! The Silver Vanguard is looking for YOUR High Elves! Come check out Moon Guardâs most active Elf Roleplay community!
Bumping for an excellent guild that portrays the Quelâdorei as they appear within the novels and other materials in-game. Quelâdorei and military RP? Look no further; itâs been a blast!
Balaâdash, The Silver Vanguard is quite the little community to join. If you intend on finding a lovely little place for your Quelâdorei to join the ranks within a segment of the Silver Covenant, look no further. Military Style RP and Quelâdorei Lovers <3 Letâs go!
Sounds like a great idea, wish you the best!
Question - This is for High Elves. Mechanically, that includes void elves with the blood elf skin tones and arcane blue eyes, yes? To be roleplayed as High Elves.
Balâa dash, Alanion! Correct: Void elves with blood elf skin tones and eye colors, whether that purple shade or a shade of blue. I hope we get more colors in the future.
I think story wise itâs for High Elves, Void Elves, and Half-Elves? So, mechanically I imagine Void Elves. Maybe Dracthyr? I dunno.
As a matter of fact, we welcome players who use:
A: A Void Elf character to proxy their High Elf! Using the flesh-skin tones, of course.
B: A Dracthyr character using their visage form to proxy their High Elf.
C: A Human character who is at least half-blooded QuelâDorei! Our Ranger-General Vereesa Windrunner has Half-human children, so half elves are welcome!
Sorry, no in-character Void Elves! Just doesnât fit our theme.
I understand, thanks for the info. Oh, does the group have a discord? Did I miss that in the above?