[A-RP] The Mistcrane Teahouse (Recurring)


I expect the stall to be open for an hour and a half to two hours, so if you want to purchase food/drinks you’ll have until ~7PM PST/10PM EST.

This starts in half an hour!

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This is underway!

In about fifteen minutes I’ll start shifting towards taking only ‘to-go’ orders.

In about thirty minutes I will stop taking new orders entirely!

I am no longer taking orders for the night!
I’ll update the thread soon to reflect the next date (April 9th).

Thank you to everyone who came out tonight! :smiley:

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I had a wonderful time, thank you for hosting!

Thank you for hosting this event! I look forward to the next one!

Thank you for all the kind words! :smiley:

What a wonderful time we had! You’ve put together a great menu - temptingly diverse. Hopefully next time we’ll have a chance to chat IC and find out more about Liliia’s personal connections to Pandaria.

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Thank you so much for the kind words!

The menu will change with the seasons, at least with regard to the seasonal specials, so hopefully everyone will have enough time to try what they’d like before it’s alternated out. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

The teahouse will be opening once more in two weeks!


This is next week! :smiley:


This Saturday! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Tomorrow! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Today!! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I’m excited to see all who comes out tonight!

Unfortunately, I have to cancel the event tonight due to something IRL that popped up unexpectedly! My apologies for the short notice.

I’ll be keeping the spring menu for one event longer than initially anticipated as a result.
I’ll update the thread and Carrd with information on the next instance of this event soon.


All of us who host recurring events know how hard it hits us when we need to cancel events. you can be sure there’s also lots of people looking forward to your next one even more eagerly.

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Unfortunately, I will be able to do the teahouse again this month.
Given my hopes to host the teahouse on the second Saturday of every month, due to my real-life partner arriving on the night of the 14th (the second Saturday this month), I will be unable to host as I have to pick him up.
My apologies. :worried:


RL is more important. Especially important to take care of yourself with the good stuff such as that.

don’t make the mistake of deciding you are obligated to only open your teahouse on the second Saturday. you’ll still get support from us if you do it on a different week or whatever. :slight_smile:


We will look forward to it when it happens, but like Kunbo said, please don’t feel any pressure!
