A-RP Nelf Rogue looking for guild

Hi guys! So after taking a few years break from WoW I’ve been looking to return to the RP scene. I tend to lean more towards being a casual but I can definitely commit a few nights a week to events if they’re being run.

Overall, I’m looking for a mercenary, criminal, or treasure hunting themed guild. My character’s big driver is to look for a new source of immortality for the night elves (which is where he shows his archaeological bent as he looks for lost relics that’d do it) which doesn’t demand their souls or corrupt them. He’s also looking to help the refugees by providing for their physical needs and helping them rebuild in Stormwind. Sil here also tends to think of the older, dogmatic elves as stuck in their ways.

Please, if anyone has any suggestions for where my rogue might find a good fit, drop me a line in game or post a suggestion.

Big ups for MoCo


Modan Co is a good option, they’ve been around a long time and I think have stayed pretty active throughout.

You’re welcome to check us out too, provided you read through the post and it sounds like a good fit - [A-RP/Soc] <Veritas> - Take a Break from Adulting! Feel free to ping me at Shinnorah#1801 Bnet or Norah#0859 discord if you want, otherwise I’m often on in the 7-9pm server timeframe.

Whether you join our guild, Modan Co, or some third option, you’re still welcome to join our community for RP too. Our next campaign event will start in January, and I’ll be posting to both guild and community calendars. You can join multiple communities, so why not right?

The other one I’d draw your attention to is the Creed of the Kaldorei community that Delerren runs -its a night elf themed community that may be an additional place for RP. Good luck, and welcome back! I just came back after a couple of years (had my kiddo), so I get what that’s like.

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Thank you so much to both of you for your suggestions! I’ve got some new leads to follow now!