The Grand Army of the Light, with Division One: First Vindicaar Templari, proudly presents: The High Anchorite Ceremony of Exarch Yuliyrel and Anchorite Zan’kala.
On Friday, October 18th 2024, 7pm server time, First Vindicaar Templari and the Grand Army of the Light invite you to celebrate the ceremonial elevation of Exarch Captain Yuliyrel, and Anchorite Zan’kala. Their deeds as Anchorites have been many, and their efforts have been acknowledged. For that, the two will be ascended to be known with their faith in the Light as High Anchorites.
This ceremony will be spearheaded by High Anchorite Althemyna with the supervisory approval of Grand Anchorite Sylvinius and Grand Lector Vila’raana.
For the first time, a Draenei/Lightforged Draenei ceremony on board the Vindicaar will be made available to the Alliance public! We welcome brothers, sisters, family, friends, and children of all ages to bear witness to this joyful occasion.
So come one and come all to the High Anchorite Ceremony of Exarch Yuliyrel and Anchorite Zan’kala. You will board the Vindicaar at the Transport Beacon just behind the Embassy building in Stormwind.
Please view our promotional poster.
https ://
DISCLAIMER: The ceremony is expected to last between 2 to 3 hours, with 4 hours being the absolute maximum of time allotted. When the ceremony concludes, all non-AotL Personnel are to kindly exit the Vindicaar through the portal to Stormwind, provided by Thelbus Wimblenod. Failure to comply in the maximum time allotted will result in the individual’s immediate detainment, and with the approval of Captain Fareeya, AotL Authorities will escort the individual back to Stormwind with all necessary force required to carry out said action. Air-locks will be sealed at all times, with several AotL security standing watch. Reluctant adolescents will be escorted back to Stormwind and placed into the custody of Orphan Matron Nightingale, where their parents will locate their children for pickup. Saboteurs of the Vindicaar in any way will be eliminated immediately on sight.
Hello everyone!
The ceremony is a little over a day away, and this is just a friendly reminder in hopes that I will see many of you there. Remember, it will be tomorrow this Friday, October 18th 2024, 7pm server time, on The Vindicaar.
Just take the Vindicaar Transport Beacon in Stormwind behind the Embassy building to get there.
This small and simple RP ceremony will be the building block foundation for when the Templari hosts cross-faction RP events on a massive scale. We’re already getting prepared for our next RP event that both Alliance and Horde can enjoy, but we’re practicing some theory-crafting so that we can iron out any kinks we may experience when the RP is underway. This particular RP campaign we’re working on will be lasting for an entire year.
Can’t wait to see you all tomorrow.