đŸ» [A-RP Event] Clan Ironstout Brewfest Tent 9/20/19 - 10/5/19

TL: DR Version:
What: Clan Ironstout - an established Dwarven brewing clan - will be hosting their brew-tent for the fourth year in a row among the brewing giants! Drinks, food, and mini-games will make up this social RP experience.
Where: The Brewfest Grounds in Dun Morogh. Since we don’t know what the revamped festival looks like, you’ll just have to come find us!
When: (Almost) Every night of the Festival! As long as IRL doesn’t get in the way, I plan to be online. Just stop by and see if there’s any RP going on. The MAIN event however, will be opening night, September 20th at 6 PM server time.

More information can be found here:

Full Version:
As you enter the Brewfest festival grounds this year, skip right past all of the other tents. There’s only one you need to visit! Clan Ironstout returns to Brewfest for it’s fourth year of fun and festivities!

Forget about Gnarleybrew, and Thunderspew. This up-and-coming brewing clan is here to shake things up once again!

We will be providing seven different beers from our own Ironforge Brewery. As always, the Ironstout Brew-tent will be run in tandem with the food tent from the Cask ‘n’ Anvil tavern in Ironforge.

Stop by nightly for various games, competitions, tournaments, and complete daily quests! Come for fun, or to earn tickets for fantastic prizes! Can you earn enough to have your own custom beer brewed in your honor?
(Tickets, daily quests, and most prizes are available through TRP3 extended!)

Regular drinking contests, our Drinking Contest Tournament, drunken ram racing, and drunken brawling all make a glorious return this year! Also, new to this year’s Brewfest is the “Wolpertinger Hop-Off Relay”, “Booze Ball”, and “Tankard Basher” drunken ram jousting!

There is always something to do, so be sure to drop in while you’re enjoying the festival and we will be sure to make your Brewfest experience top-notch!

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YAAAAS! Brewfest is best fest and Ironstout delivers every year. Be sure to check them out, you wont regret it! Cant wait to see what the new content will be.

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Less than two weeks away! Just purchased a ton of great prizes to give out to mini-game winners!

Cannae wait t’ see all of ye! Cheers lads an’ lasses!

I’ll hope to be there! Brewfest is da best

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Bump for cool peeps on the Blue side of the world.

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One week away!

:beers: THREE :beers: DAYS :beers:

Tomorrow is the day!


Ach! Get yer mugs ready!

30 minutes!!!

It’s been a really fun few weeks! Sad that it’s almost over!

Join us for our traditional End of Brewfest Bonfire, Saturday Oct. 5th at 6pm! Help us drain the kegs, and throw the empty ones on the fire! Plenty of food, games, and beer. Lastly it’s the last chance this season to earn tickets with great prizes!

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